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Y/n: I Saw Taehyung

Taehyung: so ,y/n how many files did you complete

Y/n: 4 how many did you complete

Taehyung : same I am here for the hot chocolate.....

Y/n: pft* hot chocolate

Taehyung: *frowns* so what you still drin-

Y/n kept her palm on his mouth preventing him from saying anything

Y/n: Don't you dare

Taehyung: Same

After they had a short break they again started to work forgetting the lunch and Completing all the files

Taehyung: y/n lunch is completed let's go out and eat today

Y/n: ok come'on lets go I'm hungry

And they left to eat lunch and came back when siri told them

Siri: Sir Mr.Kim asked you bath

Taehyung: Oh what did you tell him

Siri: I told him that you both left to have lunch

Y/n: Thanks

Siri: No problem mam

As siri informed them they both went to Mr.kims cabin

In the cabin

Taehyung: Dad you asked us aa.. yes I did so did u both complete the works

Taehyung and y/n: yes dad/ uncle really.. I'm I impressed

Taehyung and y/n: Thanks dad/uncle *a short smile looking at each other * ok now you can leave after submitting the files

They left after submitting the file they are so weird *in mind *

*Flash back when asked siri* Siri where is taehyung and y/n

Siri: oh sir amd mam went to have lunch why?? Didn't they have in the break

Siri: No sir they both were working

All the employees giggle but stopped when they realized the incident... and that is where felt smtg suspicious but shrugged it off

*End of flash back Let's check what they are doing rn

Meanwhile our couple

Taehyung: baby we completed the work no....*getting close to her*

Y/n: so *going back*

Tehyung : soo.... can-

Mean while what is going between them.......* interestingly watching

Taehyung: y/n........ we worked hard but you didnot see a child suffering


Taehyung: It'smee

Y/n : you. Child. Suffering ok what suffering are you facing

Taehyung: Attention for you * grabs her waist and kisses her slight roughly

Y/n: *kisses him back and broke it after 2 straight mins of kissing .

Meanwhile who saw this What the hell what happened she kisses himback are they in a relation but my son is as cold as ice......

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