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Taehyung enters the house


Y/n: yes I'm here what happened....

Taehyung: y/n a problem occurred idk how......

y/n: shhhh....first take deep breaths and tell me what happened calmly

Taehyung: *takes deep breaths and finally calms down

Y/n: Now tell me what happened

Taehyung: *tells everything that told*, now what should I do, I have to be at both the events at the same time in the same venue but different posts

Y/n : Hm.. can't skip as a CEO

Taehyung: No dad said heersonally invites him and wanted to see his face

Y/n: Hmm.... it's ver-

Taehyung: How about I just skip the whole thing

Y/n: Very bad Taehyung...

Taehyung: Then what should we do

Y/n: Hm.. I got one but

Taehyung: Tell it

Y/n: How about I attend as the CEO as I'm also the Co-CEO

Taehyung: Hm.... it's good but what if dad asks where is the ceo

Y/n: I will tell him that he is out of country for a deal

Taehyung: should I really go...

Y/n: no. who is gonna be with uncle

Taehyung: *Suddenly realized* ME!!!!

Y/n: *singhs* yes it's

A.U Pov

As the time for the event was fast approaching taehyungs company's new realese of the product was also approaching and finally it was the big day!!

Taehyung was explaining about their new product
Ofc with all his identity covered

Taehyung: So if we see today's generation there always stressed about smth or the other like work, students on results like that so this new product is a like bracelet or like a strap to your watch which works with our watch, and if you don't have our watch you can still buy and use it as a bracelet. So the special thing about this bracelet is that it changes it's colour depending on the mood of the user, the most beautiful colour it gets is teal which is a good colour for any of the complexion and when your stressed or angry it change into a red colour which is not very good in colour for watch strap or whatever-

??: what colour does it show when your in love

Taehyung: *chuckels* it shows a pastel pink colour , sir.

After all the discussions they Finally launched it and got a pretty good response from, the public

The product was launched and now its time for annual business meet a week of time was gone in a second or it os felt so now it is annual business meet......
Almost all the business men came

*picture credits goes to the rightful owner*

*picture credits goes to the rightful owner*

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