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Now taehyung has come home, the time is 9 a.m. , he already had his breakfast  with yn, she cooked his favorite meal to make him feel a little better , which was a slight success....

Taehyung pov

I came home after my breakfast with yn, she makes me feel a lot better , as I was going to my room my mom called me dear have your , breakfast  

Taehyung: I already had it mom  btw where were you last night who knows , maybe wh*ring around and f**king some s*uts, who knows ..... honey what are you saying

The words MY dad said had a great impact on me like.. who thinks that low of their own son , I may have anger issues but I certainly have self respect right..... I quietly left to my room... After some I thought to call yn ..... nut where is my phone..... Oh sh*t I forgot it at her place

Yn pov

Hmm... taehyung has left a few hrs ago I hope it's all good now, I can't believe said those words to him , but taehyungs pov also matters right .... It's ok let's do some  work... I noticed taehyungs mobile in the night stand... did he forgot... wait... I need to go and give....  I reached his house after a few mins..... I knocked the door and waited for it to  be opened opens the door oh.. yn dear.. come in , come in... Oh yn... welcome dear, so what brings to you here....

Yn: um... actually taehyung left his phone.. so I came to give... oh so he was with you

Yn: yes..

Then gave an angry glare to

Yn: I will give it to him...

She went to his room to give...

Taehyung opened the door and saw yn.....

Yn: I came to give you your phone...

Taehyung: hmm... thanks....

Yn: taehyung did smtg happen again...

Taehyung : n-o *voice cracks*

Yn: so now you don't wanna even tell me....

Taehyung: i-sai--d n-a nothing h--appened

Yn: taehyung why are you lying...

Taehyuhg : i-m not

Yn: taehyung I know...  you *hugs him*

While taehyung who was in need to warmth , love and care.. Suddenly felt overwhelmed that he also has a person,to  put his  head on a shoulder and cry....

Yn: so you wanna tell it now *stilling hugging*

Taehyung: yes

Yn: ok, but first listen what ever that has happened believe that I'm not gonna leave you , ok

Taheyung : *sniffing* ok

Yn: so now tell me what happened??

Taehuung: ynnn... I cam- e home--a-n m-o-m as-k-ed -

Yn: sh.... breath in.... and brethe out

Taehyung: *does as she tells *  so my mom asked to have b-reakfas-t and i- sai-d I already had it m-m-my d--aa-d said tha-t w-h-o kn-ws tha-t I was w*ring and f**king some s*luts, t-ell-- m-e yn wa- I....

Yn: sh.....*patting his back* no you aren't  Tae in fact you are the best son anyone could have you.

Taehyung: really *while sniffing with a pink  face due to heavy crying * 

Yn: yes... you know many people take you as inspiration....

Taehyung: reawlly...

Yn: yes now sleep you creid too much * patting his back.... *

Taehyung: I wanna sleep in your lap

Yn : oh my baby!! Sure you can....

After some he slept again slept peacefully... in her lap.... After putting him to sleep yn kept a pillow in her place and,left their house....

Yn pov

The auction is day after tmrw to tae had tiem to rest.. I will just, msg him to take rest , as in the auction he won't have any rest

In the text

My Tae 

Tae.. have  you slept good sry bby I needed to go...

You take rest today as the auction is day after tmrw , ok

Byeee take care , don't take stress,ok


With lots of ❤️❤️❤️

I just hope it will be good yn thought.....


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