8 0 0

??: im lia....

Marie : oh im Marie...

Lia: oh so you know where kim taehyung lives...

Marie: oh he's actually my cousin , so today smtg happened and he and  yn left somewhere..  idk where

Lia: oh.. shit...

Camilla: pssttt.. do you like her

Lia: like who

Camilla: his girlfriend yn

Lia: f**k no I hate her

Marie and Camilla : yeah we too...

Lia: so should we do smtg..

Marie: sure

Lia: let's be in contact..

They Shake their hands and also exchanged their numbers as they thought to keep in touch...

Soon the day ended and now its the night I.e it's now the time for aution...

V : are you ready

Black rose: yeah let's go ....

V: ok come'on

As they entered the room they could see the shock on all of their faces as they saw the least expected scene which the MAFIA KING AND QUEEN entering together, to the auction it's true that they know that both of them are coming but not expecting to enter together...

The host: W-welcome ladies and gentleman ... I'm Christopher, in short Chris... so let's begin the auction without any delay

Chris: so the first one is a painting... it's 50,000$

??: 1 mil

??: 2mil

Chris: anyone... ok the painting has been sold to Mr wang, so the  next one is.... a jewellery piece which costs... 1 million $

V: 5 million

Black rose : 10 mill

V: 15 million

??: 2-2- , 20 million

V: 25 million...


Chris: ok So this piece has Been sold to mr.V , so the next one is a  gun , which is of a special quality................ it's price is 50,000$

V : 75,000 dollars


Chris: ok this gun has been sold to Mr.V , the next one is a Single piece bracelet....made of precious saffires all around it... it's price is 25,000

Black rose: 50,000 dollars


Like this the auction when v or black rose spoke all most nobody except sometimes... v and back rose bought quite a few things which are useful for them.....

Soon the auction ended and everybody went home

In the house~~~

Taehyung:  Ynieee..

Yn: hmm yeah ...

Taehyung: Well tmrw should we go to my dad's company-

Yn: yes we should

Taehyung: me too

Yn: yes u too

Taehyung: I feel smtgs  gonna happen

Yn: hmm... comeon now let's sleep

They slept  , while Lia, Marie and Camilla are planning smtg for the next day......


I'm sorry

~ Veronica

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