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While they are returning they met their worst enemy which is ofc lia herself

lia: Hi Taehyung

Taehyung: Huh...what are you doing here

lia : I told that I will separate right that's why I'm here

Taehyung: Oh pls stfu

lia: why would I Are you Taehyung's girlfriend *toward y/n*

y/n: yes I am, do you have any problem.

lia: Yes I do

y/n: And can you tell me that

lia:- he's my fiance you can't be with him

y/n: *tiptoes and kisses him*

Taehyung : *kisses back*

lia: *burning* I will separate you both for Sure

They both broke the kiss look at her

Taehyung: lia you don't know about us so kindly f**koff

lia: * Runs towards the reception and pulls out a gun

All the employees were fearing for their life Right
then Taehyung and y/n came relaxed.

y/n: wow the toy gunscare also made look real

Taehyung: I know right *thinking hard*

y/n: * Also pulls out a gun* A real gun is like
this works like this *fives otherside*

Taehyung: And if you want lightweight comfortable to Carry you need this gun*pulls out gun* this also works fine *shoots the Otherside*

All the employees and specifically lia was too stunned to even speak

lia : *gulps nervously*

y/n came near and hardly slapped her

y/n: Don't ever mess with us ok you don't know about us b*tch *veryAngry*

Y/n and taehyung left the company leaving everyone in shock

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