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As we saw what happened after lia left. pov

Argh.... Taehyung and y/n on oneside and the other side this year kim corporation has to conduct the annual business meet. I called taehyung to discuss this

Taehyung pov

Dad called me to discuss smtg I hope it's not bad

Taehyung: dad you called; ah.. yes I did actually I wanted to discuss smtg

Taehyung: Hm... and. That is ...? About the annual business meet, so kim corporation has to conduct it this year

Taehyung *in mind*
Hearing the words from my dad , my body froze I began to sweat a lot Taehyung are you ok

Taehyung: HuH yeah I'm ok b-b-bu-t why k-i-m co-rpo-ration *In mind shit I stuttered a lot* This year we got

Taehuung: Oh o-k then when are we gonna arrange it This weekend..

Taehyung : *in mind Nooooooo............ not this weekend dad my company's gotta release smtg , pls change your mind* Dad BTW this weekend few company's are gonna release smtg right This weekend which company.....

Taehyung: *in mind now you're dead taehyung* I mean f- e-w company's like MIK&CO Oh yes that company I really want to see the CEO I heard he is so good

Taehyung: *in mind , you're speaking with him dad... Ok So we arrange that the next weekend

Taehyung : *in mind yessss...... *ok dad : Hmm as you completed your work you can go home

Taehyung: ok dad then I am gonna go to my house

*He leaves to his house, y/n already left before him*

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