Part 14

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*At Home *

Y/n: taehyung, i'm going for a mission
Taehyung: when will you be back
Y/n: depends
Taehyung: Wait*Hugs and pecks her *
Y/n: byee
She went to her mission death valley, it's a mission where a mf is hiding children

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[All the picture credit goes to the rightful owner]

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her outfit for the mission

She left to the mission at 11'o clock and now its 2;30 and still she's not here and taehyung is woorying about while he is roaming he heard the click sound of door
y/n: tae you still didnot sleep you
Taehyung: i was worried you know *pout*
y/n: *cooed seeing his tiny pout*
Taehyung: why are looking at me like that
Y/n: because you pout, ok enough of diccusion let's sleep we have collage

Time skip to collage

Taehyung: Y/n will you come directly to the Mansion
Y/n: yes i will start after 5 mins i'am talking with jenny
Taehyung: ok carry on

Finally after 30 mins they ended their talk and y/n started to his mansion

In The Mansion

V: so.. what are you trying to say ms.Rose *Deep voice*
Black Rose: The thing i am telling is that we need to complete asap
V: which one*Very serious*
Black Rose : Killer Mystery
V: yeah So actually the people participating in this mission should have a relation it seems*coldly*
Black Rose : huh... What's up with these new rules *Angry*
V: How do I know Ms.Rose *Cold*
Black Rose: cuz you are the freaking king *Angry*
V : how about let''s live together for now and think of something else later
Black Rose: Hmm.....I agree
V: so which mansion do you want
Black Rose : anything is fine
V: harry bring them..

He brings the Mansions from which they can select

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[All the picture credit goes to the rightful owner]

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Black Rose : This
Gives him

V: *looks* perfect *deep voice*

And after all disscusions they went to their respective home's


Lia: Mom i wanna go on a date with Taehyung
Lia/m: Ok let me his ,mom and ask her
Lia: ok
She calls Mrs.Kim

[On the Phone]
Lia/m : Oh hello Mrs.Kim, how ate you
Mrs.Kim: Fin-
Lia/m: Ya so is your son busy this weekend. I want to set a date for them
Mrs.Kim: I am so Sorry, You see my son has a girlfriend so yes he is not marring lia ans i wanna call off the wedding
Lia/m: How could you tell this, my daughter has already fixed your son as her husband
Mrs.Kim: Um.. That's the problem of your daughter
Lia/m: hoe could you she said that she is gonna die..
Mrs.Kim: but my son's decision also matters
Lia/m: Listen, she us not gonna leave you son Mrs.Kim*Warning*
Mrs.Kim: ok do what ever you want..
Lia/m: Get ready to face the consequences
Mrs.Kim: Yeah same to you
[Mrs.Kim cuts the call]

Lia: Mom what did she tell
Lia/m: Argh.... She wants to call off the wedding
Lia: Let her face the conceqences
Lia: Then let me show who i' am *Grints her teeth in anger*. Mom i'am gonna meet my boyfriend and plan with him
Lia/m: sure baby show them who are you

Lia goes to meet her boyfriend


Taehyung: y/nieee............. come fast the movie is starting
Y/n: *Came with snacks*

Suddenly the power goes off

Taehyung: Argh.. why does it has to be now .......

Y/n: it's ok let's go for a walk

Taehyung: huh... sure that's the best we can do now

And they went for walk but saw Taehyung smtg unexpected.......


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