part 6

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After heading to his  they cuddled and slept in each other arms and woke up after a good 1and half hr of a good nap

Taehyung pov

I was the first one to wake up and saw he face sleeping so peacefully, looking so cute, she woke because of my movements

y/n: tae what is the time
Taehyung: 8:30
y/n: already
Taehyung: yes
y/n: ok i will make dinner 
Taehyung : ok

while she is cooking she felt someones present and ofc it was

Taehyung  : what are you cooking
Y/n: grilled cheese
Taehyung: oh
Y/n: Tae do you now cooking
Taehyung : no
Y/n: then how did you eat before
Taehyung: Takeouts
Y/n: dissappionted
Taehyung: its ok now you are there no
Y/n: hmm.....

After having the dinner at his house she left to her house
Y/n pov
I just can't belive that my crush proposed me and  now we are dating and the collage's most handsome one proposed me ah... i still believe


I woke early prepared the breakfast and went to his house to  wake him up

Y/n: tae  tae   wake up we have to leave for collage na
while she was arranging his breakfst suddenly she felt two hands around her waist
Taehyung: Good morning*his deep voice*
Y/n: good morning, good morning have your breakfast we have to leave for collage

After having the breakfast they left to collage, after reaching the collage taehyung went to the members and y/n went to jenny

taehyung: hi guys what are you doing
jimin: nothing much how about you any progress
taehyung: no
namjoon: do youat least know her likes and dislikes
taehyung: yeah i do
hobi: oh youare doing good
suga : you  improving boi
jin: yes you are, do you have her number
taehyung: yes hyung i do also i told you na she also chooose business so we know each other
jk: Ohhh....

just then y/n texted him that the class started
Taehyung: hyung lets go class started already

while going to his business class he saw y/n waiting outside and interwined their hands ans left which unfortunately jung kook saw

jk: hyung tae  hyung interwined their hands
jin:huh.. you must have seen it wrong kookie
jk: no hyung he really did
namjoon: ok ok now lets go to class

and they left to their class

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