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A.U pov

Finally it was morning and the couple is still sleeping like they have all the time....

Yn: *wakes up first* *checks the time* *screams*

Taehung: why why why are you shouting

Yn: its freking 8: 45 and we have to be there at office at 9

And then the hurry starts.. *panicking , stressing (literally everything in that short span of time)

They got ready quickly left but it was already late

At the office why are you both late....

Yn : we're sorry.. heavy traffic And you Mr.??

Taehyung: w-e both came t-o-gether

And after some scolding about time and punctuality , he left them and told to complete their work ....

Meanwhile on the other hand
Lia , Camilla and Marie are planning smtg

Lia: do you know  his weakness

Camilla and marie: no we don't

Marie: what about his gf

Lia: yn??

Camilla: yes she can be

Lia: No... if it involves yn , he'd probably kill us

Marie: true

Camilla: you know that his company matters him the most right

Lia: yeah but more than gf??

Marie: what about we kill his parents

Lia: parents??

Camilla: yes... but won't he kill us for that too 

Marie: true ....

Camilla: hiring somebody to do

Lia: hmm.....let's see what happens next....


I'm sorry this is a small part

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