Before we start

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Hey, thank you for clicking on this fanfic. This is in fact my first time writing something like this but I would like to lay down what I want to do with this.

On one hand, this is a story I've been thinking for a while. The topic is kind of generic because this might seem like the typical story where an Outsider is spirited away from the Outside World into this magical world thanks to Yukari. BUT! I want to strike a good balance between canon and adding some stuff of my own to spice it up a bit, because sometimes Touhou's canon is a bit shaky, and some characters are really isolated from the entire cast. I'll inject some fanon into this. But I also will try my best not to fall into too many pet peeves.

What I wanted to do initially, is offer a "Choose your own adventure" style of story, where I give some options and depending on the comments, that's the route the protagonist would take. Something like this:

[Try to attack a vampire after rubbing your fists on garlic]

[Try to recite the "Die monster" dialogue from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night to see if the vampire knows it]

But since I'm new to this and not many people are going to hop in, I'm going to keep writing despite lack of feedback, and I'll keep giving several options where I think it matters.

Before finishing with this opening page, I think I should present the protagonist:

Nobu is a human from the Outside World, and his life is really mundane after becoming and office worker. He works, he goes drinking with his coworkers and in his free time he likes to read horror stories, cook and draw despite being completely awful at it. Nobu left his hometown for a while now, and he's a bit lonely, tending to be needy when he feels comfortable enough with someone. As for his personality, he's polite for the most part and he likes to talk, but he also gets frustrated quite easily when dealing with bratty people or people with over inflated egos. That sharpness when dealing with that kind of people got him into trouble more than once in his life.

That's about him for now, let's see if I get to develop him enough to warrant an actual profile! 

As for the plot and how it'll advance, I'm going to make Nobu as standard as possible, no magic tricks or sudden power ups, he's a regular human in a mysterious new world, sometimes he might get lucky, but sometimes there's not such thing as luck when you angered a group of fairies while being a little too far from the village. As I'm pretty much open to write anything that might strike my fancy based on what people choose, I would like to clarify something: I know most characters are at least 60 to 100 years old, but physically most characters are going to be described as young adults, so in case (and as long as Wattpad allows it) Nobu has to get violent or maybe even steamy with a character (and no, I don't mean violent and steamy at the same time, I like my ice cream like I like my smut, vanilla), I want to keep that covered just in case.

And I think that's pretty much it! I hope you participate and enjoy my little silly story!

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