Embracing a Dragon

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I freeze up. I don't know what I should do in this situation. Maybe I should sleep on that chair anyw-

"Aw, c'mere!" Meiling hugs me, not letting me get up from the bed. Her red hair covers part of my face while she pats my head and rubs my back. Her breasts are rubbing against me and... Man, she smells so nice... I hug her back, and we cuddle in silence for a little while, as I try to do my darndest to not appear aroused. I don't want to ruin the moment.

"This is nice~, it reminds me when I used to sleep alongside Lady Flandre before she tried to choke m- ow, ow, ow!"

I pinch her cheek before she finishes. Way to kill the mood. "Can we not talk about our almost murderer? I can't believe we have, of all things, THAT in common." I sigh before letting her cheek free. "And Sakuya keeps reminding me about that tea party..."

"Hahaha, you're right, you're right..." She hugs me tighter, rubbing her cheek against the top of my head. "It's been a while since I had someone to cuddle with, I find it so comforting."

Ugh, this is killing me. But yeah, I noticed she likes physical affection a lot. When Patchouli patted her head, she almost melted on her hands. But now I'm curious. I let go of her a bit before looking at her face. "Say, we didn't talk much about this before, but don't you have a boyfriend or something?"

Meiling laughs, shaking her head. "Nope! Well... There's someone who likes me, but I'm not sure about her myself. She's pretty, but she's equally as scary."

"Well, that's new for me, who is she?"

"She's a flower youkai. Yuuka is her name. She moves around mostly in summer, but likes to pop out of nowhere from time to time. But you should be careful around her, she likes to bully humans a lot! Well, she bullies me too, that's what you get for looking as human as me, I guess!" She laughs before pulling me closer to her again. "And what about you, Nobu? Do you have a special lady?"

"Uh... Not exactly." This is embarrassing, I laugh trying to mask it a bit. "I was flirting with a co worker, but that's pretty much it. Maybe I should take my love life a little bit more seriously once I get back."

She winces a bit when I finish my last sentence. "... you're right, I almost forgot you're not from here..." There's a slight melancholy in her voice. "Do you have a plan or something to go back home?"

"Miss librarian told me she's going to help me with that once we finish with her research. Not really sure how far we are from that goal, though." I shrug, before looking at her again. Meiling looks slightly upset. Guess going back to the usual doesn't thrill her at all.

"I... I see... Well, you can trust Lady Patchouli, she can probably get you out in a jiffy!" She forces a smile before looking back at me. "I just hope you keep your promise and don't forget about me once you find a way out."

I sigh, I can't believe she's making me say this again. It is embarrassing. "Don't you worry, I told you I can't possibly forget about you. I'll even attend to taichi lessons to keep practicing in your honor."

She gives me a huge smile before squeezing me even tighter. "They won't be half as good as me, but hearing you say thay... Thank you, Nobu. I'm going to miss you so much!"

I had to wait a moment until she let me go. She was squeezing me so tight I couldn't breathe. "H-hey, come on now. We don't know yet how long it will take. There's a chance I'll have to look for another way out. Until then, we have time to keep practicing and hang out together, don't you think?"

Nodding in agreement, she goes back to her usual self. "Yeah, you're right! And talking about that, tomorrow we'll retake your lessons, no matter what Sakuya says! I'll be waiting for you at the gate before dinner."

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