Basking in the Sun

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Not soon after Flandre left, Patchouli arrived. And of course, she noticed the horror in my face, and the two little punctures on my wrist. And yet, I got scolded! Like I had much of a choice when that monster found me!

After yelling at me some more, she declared I shouldn't be on my own anymore. Being alone would be needlessly risky for me. Besides, it is about time we started with my magical training, so moving back to the library would be the best for both my protection and training.

You know... I just noticed something, and that disturbs me a bit. I feel physically frail all the time, but soon enough I'll be learning magic as well. I'm slowly becoming like Patchouli now. Is this what that letter was referring to by "being part of Gensokyo"? I still remember about those people who transformed into youkai after meddling with magic.

My mind was reeling between Patchouli's lecture and my memories of the letter. The librarian keeps scolding me, but I can't hear her. My head feels so heavy, my eyes burn. And finally, exhausted enough by this whole ordeal, I just simply... Fell asleep in the middle of her scolding.

The next morning I woke up just as suddenly as I fell asleep. Patchouli is nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's already at the library, but she forgot about me. I shouldn't be here in her room by myself. I still feel somewhat dizzy, and I shouldn't move on my own, but staying here, waiting for Flandre to find me, doesn't sound like the best of ideas.

Leaving the bed, I notice how cold everything feels. This sleepwear does little for me, I should go back to my room and find something to avoid freezing to death. After freshening up and washing my face a bit, I move towards the door, and the same apprehension I felt yesterday, starts creeping on my back.

I need to control myself, I can't keep myself locked here. If she's a vampire, that means she's supposed to be asleep throughout the day until evening, right? I can do this, I can do this...!

Closing my eyes to make it easier, I yank the door open, and take a step forward only to bump against something. I instantly open my eyes only to see red hair cascading in front of me. Koakuma's face flashes in my mind as I fall on my back, crawling and breathing heavily, doing whatever I can to put as much distance as possible.

"Nobu! Are you okay?!"

That's not Koakuma's sleazy and slimy voice. Her tone is too gentle and warm. I focus my eyes only to find Meiling with a worried expression, extending her hand to me. I tried to compose myself, but the sudden rush of adrenaline left me trembling like a leaf.

"N-Nobu...! I'm so sorry!" With a firm hand, she grabs me by my arm and pulls me up, holding me to help me stand on my feet. "What are you doing outside the bed? What were you planning, you dumbass?"

Trying to push the knot in my throat, I gave her a trembling smile, leaning against her. I tried to answer, but words won't come out of my lips.

Sitting me on the bed, Meiling looks at me, still cautious and worried. With a sigh, she relaxes a bit. "Sheesh, you scared me. Are you feeling okay now?"

"Y-yeah. Sorry about that. I'm a bit on edge lately..." I unclench my fists and relax too. Even though it's Meiling, I'm a bit rigid after that scare. "Where's Patchouli, anyways? She gave me an earful yesterday and just left me here."

"Earful?" She tilts her head, raising an eyebrow. "I hope you're not trying anything funny now. You have to be careful!"

Come on, I'm not a kid. But instead of trying to argue, I just extended my arm, taking off the bandage to show her the two small holes in my wrist. At first she didn't get it, looking at me with annoyance, but it only took a second glance before she realized what happened. Her face changed almost instantly.

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