4. Choosing Dauntless

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Audrey, my father, and I arrive to the hub as everyone starts to walk through the doors. Soon after, my father leaves us to go meet Jeanine.

As Audrey and I weave our way through the crowd in the lobby, we notice people separating in two different directions; the elevator and the stairs.

"Hurry, let's catch the elevator!" Audrey shouts, pulling me by the arm. "Just think, this might be the last time you get to use it," she says with a wink.

Dauntless members are always seen taking the stairs. It's noted somewhat as a 'wild' act of theirs. I, however, see it more as a good workout.

We reach the elevator just in time as an arm reaches out to block the doors from closing. It's not long before I realize who that arm belongs to; a familiar face.

"Hey, Jesse." Audrey gleefully greets our fellow Erudite.

"Hey, Audrey, Natalie." He nods his head up at each of us.

I smile back at him, noticing the small crowd of people in the elevator with us; Jesse's parents and younger brother, along with five Candors. I greet Jesse's family with a warn smile as the elevator doors close.

"Big day today," I say quietly, standing next to Jesse. "You ready?"

Jesse smiles and nods his head. He raises his eyebrows and asks, "Are you?"

I return the friendly smile and nod in reply.

Of course I'm ready.

Jesse's the same age as I am, so he'll also be choosing this year. His younger brother, Johnathan, is Audreys age. We've all known each other since we were kids. He lives with his family in the apartment right across from ours.

I've always thought Jesse was very good looking. He stands a little taller than I am with his short, light brown hair slicked back to the side. He also has these beautiful, sparkling green eyes that you can absolutely get lost in.

I've never once thought of Jesse as more than a friend, though. Mainly, because he was really good friends with Jacob before he defected last year. I have no doubt in my mind that Jesse will choose to stay at Erudite. He's another overachiever, like myself.

Once the elevator reaches the twentieth floor of the hub, the doors open and Audrey and I are the first to walk out. We make our way towards the direction of the familiar auditorium that the Choosing Ceremony is being held in.

As we walk in, we see people with a mixture of colorful clothing filling up the room. Each faction has their own seating section. The Dauntless are seated in the first section near the doors. The Candor sit next to them. Erudite sit in the middle, followed by Amity. And lastly, Abnegation.

Audrey, myself, Jesse, and his family all head over to our Erudite section. As we pass by the large white stage up in front, I can't help but stare at the five separate choosing bowls up there. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Jesse also staring at them.

The room isn't exactly filled yet, so it's easy for us to find good seating. Audrey skips ahead and walks up the stairs. She stands in the aisle near an empty row of seats and waits for me. As I approach her, we move in to sit a couple of seats down from the aisle, leaving an open seat for our dad at the edge. Jesse and his family sit in the row that's two below ours.

"Look," Audrey nudges my right side, pointing in the direction of the doors. "There's Dad and Jeanine."

I look over to see my Dad following behind Jeanine, along with her secretary, Elaine. I hate to think about it, but they follow Jeanine around like little submissive puppies. I guess that's a part of their jobs though. I can never see myself as being a follower.

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