7. I'll See You Around, Initiate

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As we walk through the double doors of the dining hall, several Dauntless members stare at us as if we're each a fresh piece of meat. I guess that's technically what we are, though.

Fresh pieces of Dauntless meat.

Jesse, Peter, Mia, Tris, and I make our way in, searching for a table to sit at. We notice Four sitting at one all by himself, so we all decide to sit with him.

Mia and Tris sit on the same side as Four, while Peter takes the seat across from Mia. Jesse sits to the left of Peter, and I take the seat to the left of Jesse. We each grab a food tray, collecting a hamburger patty and bun from the silver trays that are set in the middle of the table. We then take notice to Tris's unfamiliarity with the beef patties.

"Have you never seen a hamburger before?" Mia asks Tris.

"No, I've seen one. I've just never eaten one." Tris replies.

Jesse and I look at each other and share a smile.

We know the reason.

"Abnegation eat plain food," he explains. "Plant-based diet with no sauces and the minimum of seasoning."

Mia looks up at him. "Ha, let me guess. That information's already programmed into that little Erudite brain of yours?" She mocks.

"Well, I wouldn't really call it little," he replies dryly.

I can't help but laugh at his retort. Tris finds it funny as well.

Candors and Erudites bickering usually turns into quite an entertaining show. It's always a battle between a big-mouth and a know-it-all. Even if we are just joking around.

Mia rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Ugh! You Erudites and your smug wit. You always have something to say."

Jesse let's out a short laugh. "I can say the same about you Candors."

Mia glares at Jesse, playfully, while she chews on a bite of her burger.

"There's nothing wrong with Erudites, by the way." Jesse adds. "Candors on the other hand..."

My head snaps to my right to look at Jesse. He's slowly starting to cross a very thin line.

"Hey!" Mia snaps with her mouth full. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You guys have no filter," he replies. "You say the first thing that comes out of your mouth."

Still crossing the line.

He takes a sip of his drink that sits in front of him. "It's not entirely your fault, though," he continues. "Sadly, that's just the way you were brought up in Candor."

Ooh! He just crossed it!

As my mouth drops and eyes widen, Mia snaps, "Excuse me!"

"Hey!" Four cuts in, making me almost jump. We all stop to look at him, unsure of what he's about to say.

"I don't want to hear anymore about your old factions," he says sternly. "You're Dauntless now."

We all silently turn back to our food that's in front of us. Well, all except for Tris.

"Were you a transfer too?" She asks Four, eagerly. "Or, Dauntless born?"

He turns to her and shakes his head."Are you kidding?"

She shakes her head. "No."

"What makes you think you can talk to me?" He asks her, cold attitude and all.

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