16. Fix Her Up, Doc

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(Four's POV)

"Eric, stop!" My voice booms louder this time as my feet step up onto the raised platform. Natalie already blacked out seconds ago, but his deadly chokehold on her never loosens. "Eric, she's out! Let her go!"

I don't know why the hell he's still choking her. She's passed the fuck out! If he doesn't let go of her soon he'll kill her.

"Eric!" Lauren and I both yell.

He finally releases his arms that were choking her neck and his legs that were wrapped around her hips, letting her body fall over and go limp.

It's about fucking time.

Eric gets up on his knees and stands up, his chest heaving as he looks down at Natalie's unconscious body, and not an ounce of remorse on him from the looks of it. Instead, a smug, triumphant smirk is plastered across his face.

"Initiates!" He booms loudly, coldly scanning every persons face that's surrounding the ring. "Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks it's acceptable to challenge or disrespect one of your leaders!"

Everyone is silent. The transfers - all except for Jesse, who looks infuriated - all look terrified, like they can't believe that just happened. The Dauntless-born, on the other hand, look like they're trying not to laugh at Eric. They found most of the fight quite entertaining. Especially the parts where she got one up on him.

I turn to look back at Eric, only to notice his right upper arm all scratched up with pinkish-reddish marks. She dug her fingernails into his skin pretty deep while he had her in that chokehold. I suppose, at that point, that was the only thing left she could do.

After Eric finishes scowling at every single initiate in here, he walks right past me and hops down off the platform, pissed off as ever. Before he continues walking in the direction of the doors, he stops and looks over his left shoulder to look back at me. "Clean that mess up, Four!"

Yeah, yeah.

I turn my attention back to Natalie's unconscious body, then slowly scan the surface of the rest of the ring. There's no blood drops or blood splatter anywhere, so I'm assuming that the 'mess' he's referring to is actually her.

Once the room is clear of Eric, half the initiates step up into the platform and rush to Natalie's side.

"Holy shit!" Uriah exclaims as he and Michael jump up onto the ring. "Did you see when she kicked him in the face?!" He laughs aloud.

"Yo! Did you see when she attacked him with that flying ninja move?" Michael asks, his face lit up in amusement.

"Oh, you mean the one where she knocked him over, then sent him that nasty right hook to his face?" Lynn joins in, then starts to laugh. "It sounded like she broke her hand, or his face. All I heard was a loud 'crack!'

Marlene giggles. "My favorite part was when she ran and jumped on his back, then started socking the back of his head." I watch as she mimics the movements with her arms, and even adds in sound effects.

"Alright, guys. Everyone back away from her," I order loudly. Everyone obeys except for Nathan and Jesse, who are knelt down at Natalie's side. Jesse's fingers are wrapped around her wrist, checking her pulse I assume.

As I step closer to her unconscious body, I kneel down on one knee right in front of her to get a closer look at her lightly battered face. Her right cheek is already starting to swell, obviously from when he elbowed her in the face, twice. Other than that, I think her torso and ribs are what mainly received all of the damage. Hopefully her ribs aren't cracked or broken. I don't think they are, but if they were, that would really affect her ranking.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now