5. Welcome To Dauntless

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As I jog down the flights of stairs with my new faction, I find myself at the beginning of the crowd with them. Our fast footing causes a loud rumbling sound through the stairs of the hub.

We burst out of the entrance and onto the city streets. The feeling of running on a flat surface only heightens my senses and allows me to run even faster. The adrenaline rushing through my veins gives me the speed and momentum to run free, while the heartbeat in my chest feels like it's beating to the sound of a new drum.

The wind blowing againt my face is telling me that this is where I belong; running alongside my fellow Dauntless members.

This is what I was made to live for.

There are more Dauntless initiates behind me than there are in front of me. I know this because I can only hear their shouts and cheers of freedom.

That's exactly what we are in this moment.


I follow the four Dauntless-borns that are running right in front of me, but slow down as I see two of them start to climb the tall beams that support the train tracks above us. I instantly follow their actions, not letting myself slow down for even a second. I've watched the Dauntless do this numerous times before, without even the slightest bit of fear. So there's no reason why I should be afraid either.

I secure my footing and start to climb up the beams, eager to arrive on top. The adrenaline rushing through my blood allows me to climb up there in no time, pulling myself up to the top of the platform. As I stand next to three of the Dauntless-borns and wait for the train, I find myself nearly struggling to catch my breath.

As more and more initiates climb their way up here, the light brown skinned boy to my right me pats me on the back. "You good there, Erudite?" He asks me with a wide grin.

His smile is friendly, and there's something about him that gives off a welcoming vibe.

I smile and nod my head. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks."

"I'm Uriah, by the way." He holds out his right hand to shake.

"Natalie," I say, shaking his hand.

"You're pretty fast, Natalie. You'll fit right in at Dauntless."

I smile.

I sure hope so.

Within seconds, I hear the sound of the train turning the tracks and heading our way. The initiates across from us hop over to our side. I move closer to Uriah to leave an empty space to the left of me. A tall, good-looking Dauntless-born hops across and fills the gap.

"You know what to do, right?" Uriah ask me.

I nod. "Yeah. Run and jump on the train, or else my ass gets left behind."

Uriah suddenly laughs aloud, as if he wasn't expecting those words to come from an Erudite.

He pats me on the back. "Exactly!"

As the train approaches closer, the initiates on the other side of Uriah start to jog along the tracks.

"Come on, let's go!" Uriah shouts, following right behind them.

Without thinking, my legs start to move and I run along the tracks behind Uriah. The first car of the train passes by and the boy up in front easily jumps up on the step. He then slams his hand on the large button for the door to open and jumps in the car. The boy in front of Uriah does the same, and soon after, so does Uriah.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now