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Meeting people again and for the first time in their lives seems like a common occurrence in Topkapi now. It seemed like just yesterday when Baba returned from Persia. But now, coming from the other side of the world, my aunt Neylan Sultan.

The last time she was here I was perhaps a year or two old. Neylan was getting ready to go to Egypt with her husband, the governor of Cairo Davut pasha when she was 24. Now, 17 years later, she has returned to take a break and relax in Topkapi.

I knew that this worried my mother- she had very bad rivalry with Aunt Neylan and Aunt Sitisah. They were the ones who sent Mühnaz Hatun (Gülbahar's mother) to my father on a one night stand when my mother was still a technical concubine. Now, years later, my mother has to relive the horrors with them. I don't need to worry though, I reassured myself. They couldn't harm a member of the dynasty. After all, we share the same blood.

With the exception of my father who was in his rooms attending to state matters, we were all lined up in my mother's chambers, that of the deceased Valide Sultan, waiting for more than 20 minutes when the doormen shouted out "Desturr, Neylan Hatice Sultan Hazretdleri!" and everyone bowed.

With the exception of my father who was in his rooms attending to state matters, we were all lined up in my mother's chambers, that of the deceased Valide Sultan, waiting for more than 20 minutes when the doormen shouted out "Desturr, Neylan Hatic...

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My mother, Gülbahar, me, Lady Margherita (a visiting Jewish businesswoman), and my father's two "retired" concubines from the old palace Rukiye Hatun and Behzade Hatun bowed and greeted her as my mother side-eyed her.

"Ayşe Hatun. Are you still my brothers's concubine?" Neylan smirked. I suppressed my urge to slap her. This was a very high sign of disrespect: calling her a Hatun (She was a HASEKI SULTAN for Allah's sake!) and calling her a concubine in front of others.

"Neylan Sultan. I am Haseki Ayşe Sultan, the legal wife of a Sultan. Use the appropriated language when speaking to me." My mom had long since not forgotten how Neylan Sultana and the others sent concubines to seduce my father and get rid of Ayşe. But Neylan didn't get far and fortunately my mother was still here, more powerful than ever.

Neylan snorted as she clasped her hands together and looked at me.

"Fidan! My lovely niece! You have grown so much since I last saw you!" Internally, I rolled my eyes. When was the last time she saw me? Oh yeah, 17 years ago. So far, this meeting was not giving me the best impression of my dear aunt. I also didn't know how to respond, since I didn't remember her at all, and looked at my mother for assistance. She was just glaring at Neylan.

"Well," I began, "I can't say the same thing about you."

Neylan Sultan began laughing very hard, as everybody else forced smiles, even my mother. But yet, her laugh was so fake. Her true feelings were hidden under many layers of fakeness.

"Oh my darling, you are so funny." I couldn't help smirking at her sarcastic enthusiasm. 

"Are you getting married soon? I heard the news from Egypt!" Neylan Sultana asked, chuckling. "A little birdy told me that vizier Mustafa Pasha will be the groom."

I froze, as I looked at my mother and half-sister. Gülbahar's mouth was open, but nothing came out. I needed to get out of here, before I would blow over.

"Valide, may I excuse myself?" I said quietly, hoping she would let me. 

"Why of course, but Fidan my sapling, are you feeling alright?" Valide asked, but I already bowed and left. 

"I suppose she's under the weather!" Neylan snorted as she whispered to Gülbahar. She scrunched her brows as she bowed to the higher Sultana and parted ways. 

"She'll get around soon" Neylan vowed to herself. "And then I'll get rid of that brat Ayşe."


I couldn't help sobbing as I rushed back to my rooms. Nafise wasn't there for once, and I didn't have the strength to summon her to my aid. I lay on my bed, crying till I cried myself to sleep.

Oh dear Allah, what shall I do? I can't seem to decide what I want: potential influence with Mustafa Pasha, or someone else? Even if the wedding doesn't take place, I will be sent to marry a different ugly old man, and I'll suffer just as much. Why can't a princess like I, Fidan Sultan, choose whom I want? A say in the matter is all I'd like.

I really wanted to speak on this matter with my father the Sultan, but I knew he was busy and wouldn't be able to understand the matter with our engagement. Mustafa Pasha was one of his loyal men, and my mother Haseki Ayşe Sultan would argue it would be a strong alliance. Before, it didn't matter to me. But now, I must consider everything before making my choice. Suddenly, I got a knock on the door.

"Sultana." Nafise Hatun knocked again.

"Oh come in Nafise, it's alright." I wiped my tears as I sat up. Upon seeing me, Nafise immediately rushed to my side.

"Sultana, what happened? Why are you crying?" Nafise hatun questioned as she pulled out a handkerchief for me. I blew my nose, a little louder than I intended on. We both laughed.

"Well as you know, my aunt Neylan Sultan came. It started out poorly..." Nafise nodded, "but it progressively got worse."

"First she came, embarrassed and disgraced my mother -unacceptable-, then went and faked nice to me until going and asking 'a little birdy told me...when's your wedding with Mustafa Pasha?'. I got really knocked off guard when she said that."

Nafise sighed. "Typical Harem drama. I would suggest, try to stay away from her, and definetely do not get involved in her issues with Haseki Ayşe Sultan."

"And Mustafa Pasha-" Nafise interrupted me.

"As for Mustafa Pasha, I can only ask you: what are your other alternatives? All the other Pasha's are either married already or old."

I tapped my chin, thinking. I had an idea.

"Mehmet Giray!" Nafise's eyes widened until she began laughing.

"Sultana, the Giray brothers are strictly off-limits, especially to Sultana's. Your family would never approve."

"It's worth a try!" I protested, as I blew my nose once more. This could be a real opportunity: Mehmet Giray was heir to the Crimean Throne, and ours too for that matter. I of course, still had my brother Mahmoud, but he could easily make way for a future where Mehmet and I ruled the throne.

But alas, day-dreaming aside, I didn't know what the Hanzade thought of me. Perhaps he was already betrothed to some Crimean or Ruthenian girl. I, however, made up my mind.

"Nafise Hatun, give me some paper." Nafise wasn't sure what I was doing, but I had a plan.


Meet me in the gardens behind the stone towers, by the rose bush, tomorrow at 7 in the morning

Be there or be square

Sultana Fidan

I of course didn't actually sign my name, but instead used one of my royal Sultana seals to confirm that it was from me.

"Nafise, please send this to Hanzade Mehmet Giray as soon as you can." I raised my chin and smiled. All was going according to my plan.

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