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"Notify Haseki Ayşe Sultan that Fidan Sultan is here." I instructed my mother's door servants and they immediately did so. After the previous night's events, it was best that I tell my mother personally what occurred. Mihrişah's murder was the most exciting thing that happened in ages, if I do say so myself.

The doors opened for me as I stepped inside.

"Validem." I bowed gracefully as my mother nodded.

"Fidan, what happened? You seem to be in such a good mood this morning. Did I miss something?" Mother lifted her cup of coffee to her lips and sipped.

"Quite the contrary, mother. I have come with excellent news. Let's just say, Mihrişah kicked the bucket and fell over."

"Excuse me?" Valide looked confused. "What bucket?"

"To say it plainly, Mihrişah Hatun is dead." My mother lowered her cup of coffee and tilted her head.

" My mother lowered her cup of coffee and tilted her head

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"W-w-what? When..." My mother stuttered. She had an impassive expression, masking her inner feelings. She's happy, and yet scared. If Baba finds out, we could be in trouble. I was right. She was happy. A smile began playing at the ends of her lips as I returned it.

"Good job Fidan, you did what I couldn't do this time." I glowed at the praise. Such nice remarks from my Valide were infrequent, and nice comments were usually only reserved for Gülbahar as far as I could tell.

"However, how do you know the harem girls won't expose what happened?"

"Well mother," I started, "The event occured in the harem. All the girls were prepared- and everyone was overjoyed to see that French doo-doo go away. She was sickening, and threatened all of us."

Haseki Ayşe Sultan nodded. "Indeed. However, I thought we discussed a different approach, in which we used Mihrişah to eliminate Neylan and Sitişah Sultan."

"After some research my closest maid Nafise Hatun conducted, besides being connected to some random Pasha, she in general wasn't capable of having any ties. If she was, she would be significantly more sophisticated and sly, so that idea wouldn't add up. Besides, she's dead now so we can't change it."

"I see your point of view Fidan, but Mihrişah is still the least of our concerns. Now that she is gone, your Sultana aunts may see this as an opportunity to put forward another-"

"Well at that point, it isn't my problem anymore," I interrupted my mother. "You had a monogamous relationship with Baba the Sultan for years, but suddenly because of some dopy wimp, he changed course? These kinds of things should be dealt with by you. Your personal battles must be done alone. If it threatens the dynasty, that is when we must bond together and push back."

My mother raised her brows. "Watch your words Fidan. But I like these words of wisdom you speak, for the words of the studied are worth more than the blood of the enemy."

"We will act when the time is needed, and we will rid our home of those who wish nothing but evil to be done upon our dynasty!" I said, quoting some of my father's words. My mother nodded again and motioned for me to leave.


A/N [June 3rd, 2024] : How is everyone enjoying the story so far? I usually don't do Authors Noyes, but I'd just like to say we are slowly headed towards the climax of the story, and I will write another maybe 15-20 chapters, and after that the book is complete. Thank you so much for being here, and I hope you enjoyed chapter 25 of Fidan Sultan!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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