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After some extensive research on her own time, Nafise finally weaseled out the information about Mihrisah I needed.

"Sultana," Nafise bowed and handed me the papers. I quickly examined the Arabic writing with my eyes.

An extensive harem report on

Mihrisah Hatun - Favorite of Sultan Ahmed

Born in France, bought by a man from Istanbul who wanted to train woman for a local bey. Her parents/guardians exchanged her for money and she was brought to the home of Berat Pasha, in which she was trained by the Pasha's own wife.

From there she was reallocated to Topkapi Harem, where she resides now.


I nodded at Nafise.

"Thank you, now we just need to gather the evidence and piece it together. I am certain my aunt Neylan was in it, the plot I mean, but..." I trailed off.

"Mihrisah was here weeks before Neylan Sultan arrived. It's hard to coordinate anything there." Nafise observed skeptically.

"Well actually, this is where we bring Aunt Sitisah in. Though she lives in a distance province, she has many local men around, including Berat Pasha."

"How would we prove anything?" Nafise asked pretty much the most important question.

"We draw the snake from its hiding place." I said smugly. Nafise raised her brows. I hope this works.


"Your majesty, Sultana Fidan is here. Shall I call her in?" A door agha asked the Sultan. Sultan Ahmed motioned to do so, and Fidan quickly came in.

"Baba!" I said as I embraced my father with joy. He returned the gesture and took a moment to look at me.

"Fidan, my sapling you really have sprouted up these past few months, and you are truly an adult."

"Thank you" I said shyly, trying to find words to discuss important matter with my father.

"But as an adult, you have responsibilities. Your birthday is also coming up too, 18 is a big mark. I trust you know what you are expected of."

I nodded. My father was referring to marriage.

"Now I won't force you to do anyone in particular, but your mother has prepared some potential candidates for you."

"I understand. Do I have a deadline to choose by?"

"Yes. By the time it is your birthday in 2 months time, I would like the answer of who YOU would like to marry. No later than that."

"Okay, um since that is settled, I was wondering if we could have some sort of, well family reunion for my birthday?" I said uncertainly. My father's brow furrowed.

"What do you mean, Fidan?"

"My Sultan, maybe we could invite aunt Sitisah Sultan, and of course my brother Sehzade Mahmud and his family."

"Actually not a bad idea my sapling, I'll consider that. But why the sudden idea?"

"Oh, I don't know." I said, but inside I needed this to happen. It was of course part of my master plan.

"I'll send word immediately then. If nothing else, you are dismissed." I bowed and backed out of his rooms. When I was finally out, I pumped my fist in the air. Yes!

"Sultana Fidan. It is a pleasure to see you." At once my mood darked. Mustafa Pasha emerged from around the corner, clad in his elaborate robes as though he was to be the future or rather current, Sultan. "Were you discussing our wedding plans with his Majesties?"

"Mustafa Pasha, watch your words. Nothing has been agreed nor finalized. I haven't even selected my groom to be yet, and you should know your place in the royal hierarchy."

Mustafa Pasha came up closer to me. He begun reaching out for my hands.

"Sultana Fidan, I must tell you-" I swatted away his hands.

"I told you, know your place! I'll never marry a old hag like you, so don't even dream." I stormed off, my mood bittered by my father's closest aid telling me that we were guaranteed to be married.

When I reached the harem, I pulled over to see what was going on. I heard the voice of Mihrisah and another person, and immediately dashed inside to look at the scene. When I approached, I saw the most horrifying thing yet.

"Shut up! I'm a Sultana now! I rule the world!" Mihrisah slapped Polye Hatun, my friend, onto the ground, and when Polye tried to get up Mihrisah started beating her to blood.

The harem agha called my name when they saw me, and some of the Kalfa's tried to intervene before I yelled,

"Enough!" Mihrisah quickly got away from Polye and bowed slightly, but disrespectfully.

"How dare you act like this Mihrisah Hatun! In the PRESENCE OF A SULTANA, you BEAT A WOMAN part of the Sultan's harem!"

"This calls only for the punishment of execution, but I will spare that for my father Sultan Ahmed Han. Guards, take her to the dungeons and ensure she stays there, with no food or water for 2 days!" the protesting Mihrisah was dragged away as she kept screaming.

I dashed and kneeled beside Polye. The damage had been done. Her face was all red and covered in scratches and blood. She was in no proper state, and when I tried moving her she wouldn't budge. Mihrisah knocked her unconscious. A few other girls and Büz Agha carried her off to the physician, where InshAllah she would be healed and would survive. 


How could a woman stoop to the level of beating a woman who was her same rank, and in the Sultan's harem? She was supposedly "trained" in Berat Pasha's home by his wife, but evidently she either learned nothing or the tale was spinned. 

Hmm.. Nafise wouldn't lie to me, but somebody clearly could have intercepted some bits of information, or destroyed records.

I would need to investigate.

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