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"Clear the road! Sultan Ahmed Han Hazretdleri!" My mother, Gülbahar and I observed as my father on his beautiful horse, and the army returned from the campaign back home.

"Clear the road! Sultan Ahmed Han Hazretdleri!" My mother, Gülbahar and I observed as my father on his beautiful horse, and the army returned from the campaign back home

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"My Ahmed, finally he is back!" Mother sighed happily as I continued observing through my binoculars. Father triumphantly rode to his throne, hopped off, and gracefully sat down. He motioned for the Janissaries to rise, and everyone called his name. 

I felt so proud and happy as we progressed in Persia, but something, or rather someone, caught my eye. Standing besides the noble statesmen and pashas stood two young gentlemen, perhaps in their twenties. They didn't look ottoman, but instead like...foreigners?, I thought to myself. I was curious, but then Gülbahar ruined my mood, again.

"Look, it's Mustafa Pasha!" Sure enough, "Prince Charming" was standing besides my father looking like he was the best one there. I growled.

"Fidan! What is up with you lately!?!" Valide side-eyed me as she kept watching. I didn't respond, but kept scowling at Mustafa Pasha from a distance.

"Mother, who are those two handsome men?" Gülbahar asked what I couldn't. I bit my tongue.

"Darling, those are the Crimean princes. Hanzade Sahin Giray and Mehmet Giray, of course!" Mother smiled as she rubbed Gülbahar's shoulder. "Perhaps you will meet them soon."

I felt a spark of interest at the mention of the Crimean princes. They were certainly intriguing figures, and their presence at the court added an element of excitement. As my mother spoke, I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps there was an opportunity here for me to steer the situation in my favor.

After the initial excitement of my father's return and the Giray brothers settled down, I found myself alone in my chambers, pondering over the possibilities. 

Nafise Hatun's words echoed in my mind, urging me to consider the potential benefits of strategic alliances and influence. Mustafa Pasha might not be my ideal match, but if I could leverage this situation to my advantage, perhaps I could shape my own destiny.

Determined to explore this further, I decided to seek out Mustafa Pasha. As I made my way through the palace corridors, I couldn't shake off the nerves that fluttered in my stomach. What if he rejected my proposal? What if he found me unworthy of his consideration? But then, I reminded myself that I was a Sultana, Fidan Sultan, daughter of Sultan Ahmed, and I had the power to make my own choices. And besides, he couldn't reject me.

Finally, I arrived at Mustafa Pasha's quarters. With a deep breath, I composed myself and knocked on the door. A moment later, it swung open, revealing Mustafa Pasha himself, clad in elegant robes befitting his status.

"Sultana Fidan," he greeted me with a respectful bow. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Mustafa Pasha," I began, trying to maintain an air of confidence, "I come to you with a proposal."

His eyebrows rose in surprise, but he gestured for me to continue.

"I understand that my mother, Valide Sultan, has expressed her desire for us to be wed," I stated, choosing my words carefully. "While initially, I may have harbored reservations, I now see an opportunity for us both."

Mustafa Pasha regarded me thoughtfully, his expression unreadable. "Go on."

"I propose that our union not only serves to strengthen the bonds between our families but also presents an opportunity for mutual benefit," I explained, feeling a surge of determination. "Together, we could wield considerable influence within the court, shaping the future of the empire."

For a moment, there was silence as Mustafa Pasha contemplated my words. Then, to my relief, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Sultana Fidan, you possess a wisdom beyond your years," he remarked, his tone respectful. "Your proposal intrigues me, and I believe there is merit in exploring this further."

A rush of relief flooded through me, followed by a surge of excitement. It seemed that my gamble had paid off, and Mustafa Pasha was receptive to the idea of our partnership. With determination burning in my heart, I vowed to make the most of this opportunity, ensuring that our marriage would not only serve the interests of our families but also pave the way for a future where I could wield power and influence alongside my husband.

As the days passed, preparations for the wedding began in earnest. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself growing increasingly optimistic about the future. With Mustafa Pasha by my side, I felt confident that together, we could navigate the complexities of court politics and carve out a path that would secure our legacy for generations to come. Or so I told myself.

A few weeks later, I was walking in the rose gardens my parents planted years ago when I ran into a man I hadn't met before. 

"Pardon me, sultana?" The man asked, unsure of himself.

"I am Fidan Sultana. To whom do I owe the pleasure of speaking?"

"Hanzade Mehmet Giray, heir to the Crimean throne." I didn't resist my urge to look at him. He was a handsome and brilliant-looking young man, taller than I and certainly very strong.

"I've heard much about you, the Giray brothers" I lied.

"Perhaps so. But Sahin is a bit of an attention grabber, star of the show you know." I nodded, sympathizing with him.

"I can relate. My sister- my half sister- Gülbahar is my father's and even mother's favorite." I explained carefully.

"I'm sure she's nice though

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"I'm sure she's nice though. All Sahin cares about is power." I felt a bit ashamed when he said this. Here I was with a nice and caring sister, and Mehmet Giray's brother was simply power hungry.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Mehmet Giray shrugged and adjusted his coat.

"All's fair for the throne, I guess." He looked around admiringly at the gardens. "It's a lovely garden- we don't have anything like it in Crimea."

I turned around and brushed my hand over the roses as I left.

"One of a kind."

"Just like you..."

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