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Marie came in to Sultan Ahmed's chambers, but she never came out. Instead came Mihrişah after an extensive night with the Sultan. After coming back to the Harem, she was immediately moved to the favorite's rooms (the only favorite besides Haseki Ayşe Sultan). She was a pompous brat before, but now she had a little more power and Haseki Ayşe couldn't legally hurt her as she was the Sultan's new favorite. What were they to do about the situation?

I couldn't believe it. Despite everything going on, my father, who had a monogamous relationship with my mother Haseki Ayşe Sultan, finally spent an entire night sleeping, eating, and probably making love with a bratty concubine who was my age. Not to mention, she would probably act high and mighty now.

Additionally, I still had to figure out a way to coordinate with Mehmet Giray. I knew we had to train the bird together, but how would I contact him without it now?

And finally, my looming fate of marrying Mustafa Pasha. At first I was open to it because I thought I could get something out of it. But now I know, it should be better to forge my own fate, not on my mothers "shrewd" alliances with old men. And again, this relates to Mehmet Giray.

I needed to decide my priorities for the moment. I couldn't let Marie Hatun advance, because she may as well start forcing me to bow to her soon. But Mustafa Pasha...

I will currently focus on eliminating Marie Hatun and then working with Mehmet Giray, I resolved.

I laid down on my bed and decided to take a quick power nap. I honestly really needed it. How did my mother put up with the harem for more than a decade?

When I woke up, I rubbed my eyes and checked the swinging pendulum clock I had in my room

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When I woke up, I rubbed my eyes and checked the swinging pendulum clock I had in my room. Oh Allah! I slept for 2 hours without getting up.

"Nafise! Menşe!" One of my chambermaids came in, Menşe Hatun, and helped me get out of bed and put on a few new pieces of clothing.

"Do you have any clue where Nafise may be?" I asked. Come to think of it, Nafise hasn't been around as often as before, only usually helping with my cheeky -er- ... plans.

"No, I'm sorry Sultana. But she will probably be in the harem. His majesty the Sultan should be preparing for the naming of the children sometime soon." Shoot! I forgot about that.

I dashed out of my rooms to go to the harem, where I found Nafise Hatun waiting with Zeyneb, Mahmud, and my mother.

"Shall we go somewhere more... Private?" I suggested when I met up with them, trying to ignore how everyone was staring at my handsome brother.

"Yes I agree Fidan. We don't need anymore trouble around here." My mother looked around the Harem nervously, as though searching for Marie Hatun.

"Agha's," I called to nobody in particular, "Inform his majesty we will be waiting in the chambers of the Valide Sultan."

It was at that moment when my eyes met with that of Marie Hatun, who was watching us intensively from the wooden Harem balcony. When she saw me, she practically shot eye daggers.

"Marie Hatun, aren't you going to congratulate Sehzade Mehmet? Or are you above that?" I yelled to her. She slowly walked and descended down the stairs, and came to face me.

Instead of bowing, she declared to the whole harem,

"Marie Hatun is dead. And from her ashes was born Mihrişah, the future Sultana of the Ottoman Empire!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to know your place!!!!" I screamed at Mihrişah as I lunged toward her. Before I could attack, brother Mahmud intercepted me as Mihrişah was lead away. I was furious, and in no way ready for the naming ceremony. After my breakdown, a few girls fled the harem hallway as Mahmud picked me up and carried me to our Valide's room, much to my annoyance. Zeyneb and my mother, both carrying the two children, followed us.

"Valide, what are we going to do?" I wailed as my mother rocked one of the unnamed babies. 

"Well what we AREN'T GOING TO DO Fidan is throw tantrums in front of everyone. I'm keeping myself in control right now too, and we must act on this carefully." Haseki Ayşe, my mother, looked surprisingly peaceful right now, even after the confrontation that could threaten her status in the Harem.

" Haseki Ayşe, my mother, looked surprisingly peaceful right now, even after the confrontation that could threaten her status in the Harem

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"What is your plan Valide?" I asked trembling. I took a quick glance at Mahmud and Zeyneb who were evidently absorbed in some sort of romantic talk, and probably wouldn't overhear our conversation.

Haseki Ayşe Sultan took a deep breath, her expression serious yet composed. "First, we must gather information. Find out who supports Mihrişah and who opposes her. We need to know where our allies lie within the harem."

I nodded, understanding the importance of alliances in the intricate politics of the harem. "And what about Marie... I mean, Mihrişah's claim to become the future Sultana?"

"That," my mother replied, her tone tinged with determination, "we must thwart at all costs. We cannot allow her to gain such power and influence. But we must be strategic. We can't afford to make any rash moves that might expose us or worsen our situation."

As I listened to my mother's words, a plan began to form in my mind. "What if we could discredit her claim somehow? Find evidence that undermines her credibility to be a concubine of our fathers's?"

Haseki Ayşe Sultan's eyes brightened with approval. "Yes, that could work. But we must tread carefully. We can't risk implicating ourselves or drawing undue attention."

I nodded, feeling a sense of purpose and determination wash over me. "I'll start gathering information discreetly. We'll find a way to expose Mihrişah's true nature and protect our position in the harem."

My mother placed a hand on my shoulder, her touch reassuring. "I have faith in you, Fidan. Together, we will navigate this challenge and emerge stronger."

And thus I emerged from the conversation unscathed but rather with a new homework assignment.

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