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I was sleeping peacefully when I felt someone breathing... Above me. I opened my eyes as I saw a shadow cast over me. It was my brother, Sehzade Mahmud!

"Mahmud!" I exclaimed as I jumped from my bed onto him we both smiled as I happily embraced my brother. I hadn't seen him in a year due to his departure Manisa, where he was the Sanjak-bey (Governor of Sanjak). Manisa was the most important province, and that's where most future Sultan's went, including my father. As I let go of him I asked,

"Brother Mahmud, why are you here? Is there a special occasion I'm not aware of?"

"Come with me" Mahmud said as he grabbed my hand and tugged me out of my bed. 

"Wait Mahmud," I said laughing, "I need to get changed."

After I changed I followed Mahmud to the Harem where they announced our arrival. I saw a pretty young woman holding two babies, and she bowed as we approached her.

"Fidan, this is my favorite Zeyneb Sultan. She is also the mother of my two new children, who Sultan Ahmed will name."

Zeyneb bowed to me as we both smiled to each other

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Zeyneb bowed to me as we both smiled to each other. She seemed very pleasant.

"Sultana, you are very beautiful!" Zeyneb complimented me as I blushed.

"Zeyneb, I can say the same about you. No wonder my brother liked you." We both turned to my brother Mahmud, who was looking down at the floor, his cheeks a burning red.

"Mahmud, why didn't you tell me in a letter your favorite was pregnant? And with twins?"

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise for you and mother. I did coordinate with father the Sultan two months ago, and he said that we would be welcome to the palace once Zeyneb gives birth." Mahmud looked around.

"Speaking of which, where is father?" I nodded to Zeyneb, who bowed, as I pulled Mahmud away from the harem and lowered my voice to a whisper.

"As far as I know, he's with his new favorite." Mahmud's eyebrows shot up instantly.

"Favorite! Since when does father have a favorite besides mother?"

"Since yesterday night, Mahmud." My brother began pacing around the hallway.

"What are we going to do, Fidan? Mother won't like this."

"Relax Mahmud, I sent one of my maids to let her know and-"

"Make way! Her highness Haseki Ayşe Sultan Hazretdleri!" A doorman called as everyone bowed and my mother came in view. She stormed into the harem without even a glance at Mahmud and said,

"Where is Marie Hatun?" The girls started whispering and Polye finally came forward.

"Sultana, she was sent for Halvet to the Sultan last night. She still hasn't returned."

"And who authorized this action?"

"Kumru Kalfa I believe." Polye answered, shaking as my valide was balling up her hands into fists.

"Valide," I declared coming into the harem with Mahmud, "Did you bother to greet your only son, who came such a long way to get yours and the Sultan's blessings for his two new children?"

Haseki Ayşe's look softened as she turned towards Zeyneb, who had just handed one baby to a servant as she was stroking her other child softly. Valide approached her and held out her arms.

"Are you my son's concubine?" Zeyneb nodded as she delicately handed off the child to my mother. She smiled as she rocked the child in her arms. The last time she did that was when Gülbahar was born. Speaking of, where was Gülbahar and aunt Neylan? 

"Destur! Neylan Sultan Hazretdleri!" Aunt Neylan came in and was followed by Gülbahar. They both were smiling very wide, especially when Neylan saw the babies.

"Oh let me see the children!" Zeyneb handed the other child, who was wrapped in a blue blanket so I presumed was a boy, and was happily rocking the baby just like my Valide.

"Well Haseki Ayşe, looks like you are a grandmother now!" Neylan observed.

"Yes Sultana Neylan, I am a proud mother, grandmother, and wife."

"was that supposed to mean something to me?" 

"Mother, relax. Neylan is only-"

"Fidan, know your place. I am Haseki Ayşe Sultan."

I took a step back, realizing I had overstepped my bounds. "Forgive me, Mother. I only meant to highlight the joyous occasion of Mahmud's children."

Her demeanor softened slightly, though a trace of tension lingered in the air. "Indeed, it is a joyous occasion," she conceded. "But we have pressing matters to attend to."

Neylan interjected, her tone light but firm. "Yes, indeed. The matter of Marie Hatun cannot be ignored."

Valide Ayşe's expression hardened once more, evidently irritated by Aunt Neylan's side comment. "Kumru Kalfa has overstepped her authority. I will address this immediately."

Mahmud stepped forward, a look of concern on his face. "Mother, should I speak with Father about this? He must know what's happening in his own harem."

Valide Ayşe nodded. "Yes, Mahmud. Go and inform your father discreetly, unless he is still with that Slut Marie. We cannot allow such indiscretions to go unchecked, not without my consent."

As Mahmud hurried off to find our father, Valide Ayşe turned to me with a weary sigh. "Fidan, my dear daughter, I understand your concern for your brother and his family. But remember, in the palace, there are always politics at play. We must navigate them carefully."

I nodded, chastened by her words. "I understand, Mother. I will be more mindful in the future."

With a nod of approval, Valide Ayşe gestured for us to return to the main chambers. "Let us attend to the matters at hand. There is much to be done."

As we followed her lead, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung in the air. The palace was a place of intrigue and power struggles, and it seemed that even the most joyous occasions could be overshadowed by political machinations.


Marie Hatun happened to still be at the Sultan's rooms, Mahmud told me and my Valide. This was not good news. Nafise also came to us to inform that she couldn't find Kumru Kalfa.

"Mother, I am sure Aunt Neylan has her fingers in this!"

"Fidan, stop. We must first gather enough evidence and proof to convict her of some wrong doings, which she has many. Then we quietly exterminate her."

I bowed to my mother as I left her rooms. I was stunned by her smarts. But I wondered what we would do to Marie Hatun.

Fidan SultanWhere stories live. Discover now