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These were the thoughts going through my head as I followed Mehmet Giray and his small group of men into the cottage. Although we heard voices before, it was silent now, with light pouring through the windows as it was already 3:00. 

All the men were gripping their swords tightly, ready to withdraw them and fight, but I was in an elaborate gown and tight heels, defenseless. It was slightly embarrassing to be in this situation, as I called him here and now we were threatened by some unseen force.

"Stay behind me", murmured Mehmet Giray as he pulled me a little back to a more defended position behind him and beside another man.

"Hanzade, I'm scared!" I whimpered as I clutched the back of his cloak. He smiled, but it was hard to see as some shadows began moving in. Mehmet and his men couldn't hear it, but I heard footsteps treading lightly into the room from all around us.

"Mehmet!" I screamed, pulling him back as a man emerged from the shadows attempting to jump him. After that, 5 other men jumped out and began fighting. I tried to not get hurt as everyone seemed to not notice me. Mehmet Giray bravely fought two men at once, and I smiled as he bravely slashed their cloaks and cut the men with his blade.

Suddenly, I could feel someone tug me from behind, and I was pulled back to a cold man, who wrapped his arm around my neck and put a knife to it.

"Hanzade!" I screeched, as the blade began getting closer to my neck, and starting to leave a cut.

I thrashed in the assailant's grip, my heart pounding in my chest like a war drum. Fear coursed through my veins, mingling with adrenaline as I struggled against the cold, merciless grip of the man holding me captive. 

Mehmet's eyes widened in alarm as he saw what was happening, his sword clutched tightly in his hand, poised for battle.

"Let her go!" Mehmet's voice boomed through the room, commanding authority despite the chaos unfolding around us. His men fought fiercely, their swords slicing through the air with deadly precision as they clashed against our assailants. 

But amidst the chaos, the man holding me hostage remained steadfast, his grip unyielding as he pressed the blade closer to my skin.

I could feel the sting of the blade against my neck, a sharp reminder of the danger I was in. 

Panic threatened to consume me, but I forced myself to stay calm, to focus on finding a way out of this nightmare. Mehmet's eyes met mine for a fleeting moment, a silent promise of rescue burning bright within them.

With a surge of desperation, I twisted and turned in the man's grasp, searching for any weakness I could exploit. My fingers brushed against something cold and metallic at my side, and without hesitation, I reached for it. 

The man's grip loosened for just a moment, and in that split second, I struck out with all the force I could muster.

The metal connected with the side of his head with a satisfying thud if I do say so myself, and he staggered back, releasing his hold on me. Without a moment's hesitation, I darted away from him, putting as much distance between us as possible. Mehmet was by my side in an instant, his sword raised defensively as he stood between me and our assailants.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he scanned me for any signs of injury. I nodded, adrenaline still coursing through my veins as I tried to catch my breath. The sounds of battle echoed around us, but Mehmet's presence was a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos.

"We need to get out of here," he said, his gaze flickering towards the door. I nodded in agreement, knowing that staying was no longer an option. I silently agreed.

Together, we made a dash for the exit, ducking and weaving through the melee as we fought our way towards safety.

Outside, the cool night air washed over me, a welcome relief after the stifling confines of the cottage. Mehmet and I paused for a moment, catching our breath as we surveyed our surroundings. In the distance, I could see the flickering lights of the city, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

"We'll be safe there," Mehmet said, his voice firm with determination. I nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards him for his bravery and quick thinking. 

Together, we set off towards Topkapi, back to Istanbul, leaving the chaos of the cottage behind us.

As we walked, the events of the night replayed in my mind, each moment etched into my memory with startling clarity. It had been a harrowing experience, one that I would not soon forget. But amidst the danger and uncertainty, one thing was certain: Mehmet Giray would always be there to protect me, no matter what dangers lay ahead. Right?


I returned home in the evening, slightly frightened from almost getting killed, but also mad. Who would do such a thing? I was set up.

Nafise Hatun and the other woman who came with us had hid in our carriage, so when Mehmet Giray and I left, everyone else departed back home.

"Nafise, tell me, who would do such a thing?" I cried into my handkerchief as Nafise comforted me.

"I apologize for my bluntness, but I wouldn't put it past Sultana Neylan and Sultana Sitişah. I know that the residence, for a fact, belongs to Kumru Kalfa. But she just happened to not be there at the right moment."

"Yes," I nodded in agreement. "But my aunt's wouldn't have known that fast about my whereabouts unless..."

"There was a spy!" Nafise finished for me. 

"But one thing is for certain, Kumru Kalfa had ties with someone in Topkapi. And they didn't want us to find out."

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