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Nafise gave me a slip of paper with the address and time I needed to meet with Hanzade Mehmet Giray. I sighed and put the paper to my chest. Mehmet Giray! He is so handsome, kind, and... wait, I told myself. Fidan, you CANNOT be crushing on Mehmet Giray. He is heir to the Crimean throne, and besides like I told my own father- it was sinful to think about such things.

I needed to get over this.

"Nafise!" I yelled. Nafise Hatun promptly came in and bowed.

"Yes, my Sultana?"

"Are we all ready to go?"

"Well pretty much, just waiting for you-" 

"Gülbahar Sultan is here!" One of my maids came in and immediately Gülbahar too. I groaned internally. I needed to meet with Mehmet Giray, and Gülbahar wasn't trustworthy.

"Where are you headed off to?" She observed.

"Nowhere you need to know," I replied dryly, hoping she would go away.

"Well, I decided I'm coming with you." Gülbahar announced. I scoffed.

"And who gave you that authority?"

"Fidan, your punchlines don't work on me. I know who you are meeting with, and where, and unless you take me with you I will be forced to report to father of your wrongdoings." I growled.

"How do you know anything?" I said angrily. "You are so delusional-"

"We leaving?" 

I sighed.


Nafise, Gülbahar and I snuck out to where our carriage was waiting. We climbed in and sped off to the city.

The carriage ride was... tense, to say the least, with Gülbahar's presence casting a shadow over my plans. I tried to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside any distractions or thoughts of Mehmet Giray.

As the carriage rolled through the bustling streets of Istanbul, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. Meeting with Mehmet Giray was crucial, and I needed to ensure that Gülbahar didn't interfere.

Finally, we arrived at the designated meeting spot. Nafise quickly informed me that Mehmet Giray was already waiting inside, and I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the encounter.

Gülbahar eyed me suspiciously as we stepped out of the carriage. "Where are we?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

"It's none of your concern," I replied curtly, my patience wearing thin.

Gülbahar's gaze narrowed, but she didn't press further as we entered the building. Inside, Mehmet Giray stood tall and regal, his presence commanding the room.

"Fidan Sultan," he greeted me warmly, a smile lighting up his handsome features. "I'm glad you could make it."

I returned his smile, trying to ignore the fluttering sensation in my chest. "It's my pleasure, Hanzade Mehmet Giray."

Gülbahar watched our interaction with keen interest, and I could sense her scrutiny. I needed to keep her at bay, to ensure that she didn't interfere with the delicate balance of our conversation.

Ignoring Gülbahar's presence as best I could, I focused on Mehmet Giray, determined to make the most of our meeting. We had important matters to discuss, and I couldn't afford any distractions.

"So in regards to training the bird, I think we should do it here. I can call the Agha and..." Mehmet continued outlining his plan as I listened in intently.

As our conversation unfolded, I found myself drawn to Mehmet Giray's charm and intelligence, but I pushed aside any thoughts of personal feelings. Our alliance was strategic, nothing more.

With Gülbahar's watchful gaze lingering in the background, I resolved to navigate this delicate situation with tact and diplomacy. Our future, mine especially, depended on it.

Mehmet Giray looked outwards to where Gülbahar was supposed to be waiting, but she wasn't there.

"Where did Sultana Gübahar go?" Mehmet asked. I quickly turned and stared with horror at the fact Gülbahar wasn't there.

"Mehmet I have to find her!" I said quickly as I dashed around through the house. I was panting hard when I went outside, where I saw Gülbahar chatting with Sahin Giray, Mehmet's evil brother.

"Sultana." Sahin bowed slightly to me.

"Gülbahar, what are you doing here?" I grabbed my sisters arm. 

"Let's go!"

I nodded to Mehmet Giray and Gülbahar and I speeded to our carriage, with Nafise Hatun already inside. When we were on the road, I turned to my sister.

"Gül," I said, using my nickname for her since the time we were kids. "Why were you talking to Sahin Giray? He is not a good man."

"Relax Fidan. I wandered off, and then I stumbled upon him. We had small talk, nothing more. I would be curious to know what you and that Hanzade Mehmet Giray were talking about, especially since you are blushing now."

"Am not!" I was fuming.

"Are too!"

I hated to admit it, but my sister Gülbahar was right.

Fidan SultanWhere stories live. Discover now