Two heros are better than one

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Kara touched it. She touched the Harun-El.

Lena's heart, already on high alert during this whole stressful scenario, bottoms out completely when Kara's hand makes contact with the black rock. She can hear it over the comms, Kara's stupid, foolhardy plan, and she doesn't even have the microphone capability to get on the line and argue with her. All she can do is run as fast as possible from the lab to the center of the DEO, where Alex and Winn are in communication.

Even though she can't see it, she swears that she can hear it over the line when Kara touches it. If anything happens to her, it's my fault, I made it, this is my fault-

But, startlingly, everything turns out fine. Sam is safe, and she and Ruby leave to spend some well-earned time together. Kara seems like her sweet, goofy self, completely healthy, and J'onn and Alex step in to make sure that Kara doesn't have to deal with Supergirl emergencies for at least a few days. And it's a good thing, too – Kara seems to only be interested in spending as much time in Lena's apartment as possible, apologizing in every way she can think of for throwing herself into danger like that. Lena goes to bed sore and relieved, wrapped up in Kara's arms.

Unused to things going her way, Lena foolishly accepts the positive outcome without much investigation.

She does, however, spare a thought or two to how things could have turned out had the Harun-El actually worked the way it did for Sam and Reign. Kara, separated into two sides - one the sweet, soft Kara Danvers that she knows and loves and the other the firm, unyielding Kara Zor-El, protector of National City. The thought makes her shiver, and she tries to put it down to being frightened for Kara's welfare.

Her dreams that night work hard to prove her a liar.

As if she hadn't just been completely worn out by Kara only hours before, she's plagued by dreams all night. Intense, detailed, very alarming dreams – dreams about fucking both Kara Danvers and Kara Zor-El, about somehow having the two sides of Kara together in one sweaty night. Her Kara, soft and gentle and loving, reminding Lena how beautiful and special she is as she worships her body; and Supergirl, firm and unrelenting and unthinkably strong, pressing her into the mattress and fucking her hard and hot, leaving her boneless and sated and feeling exquisitely dirty.

She wakes up throbbing, the bed next to her empty thanks to an early interview for CatCo, and does the only thing she can think to do – she rubs herself to a quick, intense orgasm, and tries to forget about it. One Kara is more than enough.

Besides, the useless fantasies she's haunted by are all hinged on Kara having been affected by the black rock, which could have horrible consequences, all of them being Lena's own fault. She does her best to shove it out of her mind – Kara is safe, and everything is fine. Not everything has to end catastrophically. Sometimes, Lena assures herself, things can go right.

Two days later, she's proven wrong.

There's a quiet fluttering sound on her always-open balcony, and Lena smiles without looking up. She's startled slightly by Kara's voice, thrown off by the tone in it – she sounds relieved, and almost desperate.


Lena looks up from her laptop, taking in the still-breathtaking sight of Kara in the super suit, framed heroically by the afternoon sun. She has a smudge of something dark on her cheek and her hair, usually in soft waves when she's running superhero duty, is slightly tangled.

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