Profane Sacrament

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"Really, High Councilor, can you not speak to your daughter?"

Alura's serene smile did not waver, but her eyes flickered, ever so slightly. "My daughter was raised on Earth. Some of her...customs we should expect to find strange."

The Kryptonian elder folded his hands in his robes and made a tutting sound. His phalanx of smaller-ranking nobles hurried to make agreeing noises. "But to parade it in front of our noses? It is bad enough that she has chosen from the Earth omegas to be her mate, but to forgo the Creation Matrix..."

"As I have said," Alura's voice never raised above polite conversational level. "The customs of Earth and their ways may be strange to us but Kara is a wise Judicator and she no doubt knows—"

"This is no simple matter of judicatory error." Another Kryptonian noble—a younger, more hot-blooded alpha this time—interjected. "Daily your daughter flouts our laws and ignores our tradition. And what's worse, she has encouraged Jor-El's son to do the same."

Now Alura was frowning, albeit slightly. "Kal-El and his mate made their choice before Kara did."

"But Kara was tasked with keeping Kal-El to our traditions." The older alpha persisted, irritatingly. "And instead she has shirked the most sacred of our laws in order to escort an Earth omega around during her heat, as if they were but animals."

"She brings shame upon the noble house of Zor-El, carrying on as she does." Someone from the crowd piped up. "Her and her Earthian concubine."

"Yes, we've all seen it." The younger Kryptonian noble was feeding on the crowd's energy, and he seemed determined to hold onto this topic for as long as he could. "And what's worse, she seems actually proud of that—"

He used a Kryptonese word that essentially translated to an animal that wanted to be mated with, and some in the crowd gasped. Others laughed.

One laugh was louder and more recognizable than most.

"How good of you to notice, Goren Xi."

The Judicator in question, Kara Zor-El, stepped into the great hall, robes swishing around her tall, imposing frame. Her eyes sparkled like cold-cut Neptune ice and her smile was broad, but entirely threatening. More like a baring of teeth than a grin. "Yes, I am very proud of my wife."

The scent of alpha flared up in the room, and most of the Kryptonian nobles covered their noses, politely. Pheromone displays were definitely not in fashion here in Argo, nor had they ever been back on Krypton, but the high-tempered daughter of their Highest Councilor had her own way of doing things. A very strong-smelling way.

Kara, for her part, was deriving somewhat fiendish enjoyment from rustling the robes of these older traditionalists. And her body was still fired up, with Lena's heat so close and her lingering perfume trailing in Kara's noses, making the alpha feel hot and restless. She wouldn't mind challenging Goren Xi right at this very moment, but the problem was he knew she was stronger and faster. Already, his throat bobbed, and his eyes flickered downward, reverting to primitive instincts that he no doubt considered shameful as he was forced to acknowledge her strength.

"I meant no disrespect, Kara Zor-El." Goren Xi's eyes were downcast, his voice haughty but softening.

"You did, actually." Kara reminded him with another falsely jolly show of fierce teeth. "But that's alright. I'm glad to know which of you is willing to speak so freely in the presence of my mother." Her eyes swept imperiously around the room, catching most of the elders and nobles alike ducking their heads in guilt. "It's very useful to me. Especially come election time."

"Kara." Alura's voice was a cajoling murmur. "Please, dear."

Kara sorely wanted to say more, but she restrained. Instead, she allowed herself to be tugged into an alcove by one elbow as the crowd mulishly dispersed, casting looks over their shoulders at the Zor-El family. Kara met every one of them with a raised chin and a sharp, piercing stare. Each dropped their eyes, in turn, and she felt largely vindicated when she turned back to her mother.

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