What doesn't kill you

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"Where is she?" Lena strode through the D.E.O. with determination.

She never expected Alex, of all people, to call her and beg her to save Supergirl. And she has the means to do it, of course. She's not a monster. Lena squeezed her clutch desperately, squaring her jaw not to show her real emotions. Of course, she was nervous - after all, she carried the precious invention she worked so hard on for the last few months.

Her only hope was that nobody would ask how she managed to get this thing done so fast - after all, less than an hour had passed from the time she was called to the time she walked those corridors. But Lena would never tell the truth anyway. Nobody should know how many sleepless nights she spent building those sturdy, wide shoulder pads, sculpting the plates to cover that firm stomach and creating that impenetrable material to protect that incredible, strong and solid creature.

And, of course, she noticed that Kara was sometimes packing. When she tried to protect her and hide in the lab, chased by Lex's people, and at that time... Anyway! Lena knew that Kara liked packing, and she created something just for her, something so perfect, something she had worked on for a long time, creating her own knight in shiny armour. Her perfect image of Supergirl.

Lena knew that Kara and Supergirl were one person - not like a pair of glasses could fool her for a long time. But it only made things worse. And better at the same time. She drank deep from Supergirl's frustration after she stumbled over her own lies again and again, oblivious to the fact that Lena saw through them. But Lena kept silent. Now Kara will owe it to her, and soon, she will lay all the cards out. Lena suppressed a smirk that was ready to bloom on her face.


Kara came back to her senses soon after all too familiar pain subsided enough to let her come back from an agonizing haze. No matter how long she has lived on Earth and how much she was exposed to it - she would never get used to the pain Kryptonite inflicts on her. She groaned, trying to move her leg. It was surprisingly stiff, same with her fingers - she squeezed her fist closed and open. It felt like she was put into a whole-body cast. Kara started to panic. She was suffocating inside it, the stiffness of whatever armour she was clad into, the dimness of the screen with running lines and waves across it making her lose her mind. She jolted up, her first instinct to tear it off and free herself.

"It's okay! Kara, it's okay!" - she heard a familiar voice - Alex. Kara exhaled in relief. She still remained stressed, but the presence of her sister made things a bit better.

It took her a while to get used to the thick and restricting material of the new armour, but she had little options otherwise- either get comfortable in her new skin or die from Kryptonite poisoning. The armour filtered the poisonous substance from the atmosphere, and it made Kara make peace with it. But the tech behind it wasn't perfect, and the filtering took up so many resources that she was practically left to sit in the lab until the air would clear out.

Kara jostled, sitting on the examination table, feeling useless and sad. Especially when Alex left the D.E.O. to find the ones who were behind poisoning the atmosphere, it wasn't the time to be useless. Not now, when there were rogue aliens on the loose, when there was Agent Liberty's threat, and when Lex was running wild. Of course, it was he, who poisoned the atmosphere, stealing Lena's tech that she used to clear the Earth of Daxamite invaders.

She jostled again, feeling a strange pressure between her thighs. It wasn't unpleasant, a warm, slightly heavy feeling against her clit. She froze at the spot. Was she packing this morning? Was it visible? Kara looked down, watching a slight bulge between her legs. She hoped her team hadn't seen it... that Lena hadn't seen it. It was her small secret, for now. She knew that everyone would probably accept her, but she was wary of opening up about it. Her relationship with gender was a bit... difficult. Although Kara never denied her feminine side, she felt like it was only a small part of her, something that she embraced with pink dresses and long, curly hair.

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