My Favorite Canvas

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Kara balanced her paintbrush on the edge of the raised metal tray she had been using as a pallet. She plucked her damp towel off of the small table next to her well-used easel and scuffed at her hands as she padded to the door, a slow smile growing on her lips. If she had her way she wouldn't have worried about locking her front door at all while at home. However after multiple earfuls from Alex and all of her close friends, she kept it locked. At first it had annoyed her. She was Supergirl . She didn't need to lock her front door when she was home. But... she did like the ritualistic normalcy of unlocking it and pulling the wide door open to let Lena in.


"Hi, sorry I'm late, traffic was awful." Lena griped, but still smiled as she pulled Kara into a one-armed hug and carefully balanced their dinner in the other.

Kara grinned into her shoulder but was careful not to let her body lean in-just in case there was paint on her shirt. Lena had told her It's fine in the past, but it was still mortifying to get oil paint on your best friend's expensive clothes. She pulled back and stood to the side, letting Lena in and followed the pizza and potstickers with her nose.

"I'm starving."

Lena gave her a coy teasing look over her shoulder as she sauntered into the kitchen, her heeled boots thumping on the hardwood. "You're always starving, Kara. Insatiable, even."

Kara blushed and closed the door. "Maybe not the right word to use."

"Please, I've seen how much you enjoy burritos from that food truck staked at CatCo on Wednesdays." Lena grinned wickedly and set their meal down on the high table.

"I'm ignoring you."

Lena laughed as Kara stiffly marched herself back to the easel, convinced steam was trailing behind her. She had just picked her brush back up and laid down a few blots of color when Lena's heels approached her. The warm inviting scent of cheese, spices, sun roasted tomato, and brick oven baked dough arrived with the subtle floral of Lena's mild perfume.

"Here, sweetheart, you're a little hangry."

Kara turned her head and blinked at the pizza slice Lena was holding up to her to take a bite of as a peace offering. She could still tell that Lena was trying not to tease her by the turned up corners of her mouth, but her eyes were soft. Kara scrunched her nose at her and took too big of a bite, the tip of Lena's finger brushing against her lip as she bit down with half of the slice in her mouth. It was good pizza and she sighed through her nose, cheeks full as she started chewing her way through her mouthful and daubed some more color onto her canvas. Lena grinned and kissed her on the corner of her jaw.

"That's better."

Kara blushed again for a different reason and grumbled a staubbit around her pizza as Lena laughed again. Lena finished the half eaten slice and brought a plate over, alternating between eating and feeding Kara as she painted and told her about her day at L-Corp.

It was a familiar scene, Kara painting and Lena sitting sideways on one of the tall kitchen chairs pulled to the edge of her drop cloth. A twice-monthly hang out, if they were lucky. Kara counted herself as the luckiest woman in the world after everything they had gone through. Even more so now that after everything, she and Lena had come back together closer than ever.

Closer than ever was the easy way of saying they liked each other more than normal friends do.

However, acknowledging those feelings was far easier than acting on them. It was easier to dance closer and not say anything. It was easier to hug longer and let their originally platonic cuddling morph into something not so platonic. Oh, it would happen at some point. They had both hinted at it but had either been interrupted by someone or some thing -or interrupted by themselves. It was apparent they were looking for the proper permission to finally admit their feelings. Neither one of them knew what this permission looked like, but they were content in their current situation.

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