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Lena allowed herself few indulgences in her friendship with Kara. A creature of discipline and good sense, the moment she realized she had fallen for her best friend and literal hero, she created a set of ironclad rules for herself. No staring when she thought the blonde wasn't looking. Double texting was okay, but triple texting was out. No dressing provocatively to make Kara tongue-tied, as absolutely adorable as the super was, flushed and stammering, while her eyes danced around the room to avoid Lena's cleavage. No finding excuses to borrow her clothes.

Of course, she couldn't very well avoid some line crossing when Kara initiated it, lest she seem suspicious. They were best friends, after all. So when Kara opened her arms to Lena as they settled on the couch for a movie night, she nestled into their solid embrace. And when Kara insisted she spend the night because their Pixar movie marathon had lasted into the small hours of the morning, she resigned herself to a shoddy night's sleep spent policing her limbs and praying she didn't say anything revealing in her sleep.

Tonight was one of those nights. They'd gotten ready for bed like all the other nights before: Kara, chuffed to be making sure Lena got proper rest, and Lena, doing her best to remain casual about another night lying next to a woman she often day dreamed about mounting. Tonight was slightly different, though, in that Lena had forgotten to bring a sweater in case she ended up sleeping over. Kara kept it ridiculously cold at night since she ran as hot as the yellow sun that powered her incredibly sexy super strength. It was like she thought she could convert her fourth-floor walkup into an earth-bound fortress of solitude, mortals like Lena be damned.

The CEO tried to sleep in the tundra that was the blonde's apartment for a solid 15 minutes before giving up. She had meetings in the morning, and showing up semi-hypothermic didn't sound like a winning business strategy. Turning to Kara, who seemed most of the way to asleep, she whispered a request. "Darling, do you have something I could throw on? It's freezing." There goes that rule.

She'd have no choice but to allow herself the fantasy of it. Them sharing clothes. Waking up in the morning and seeing herself adorned in the trappings of the other woman's affection. Of all the things, it wasn't such a big one to give in on, she told herself.

Half asleep, Lena's companion responded to the question with a confused look. "Just c'mere? Easier." Kara opened her arms to Lena, offering the kind of physical closeness that was trying for Lena's self control. That said, Kara had suggested it. Saying no would be its own kind of admission. Plus, Lena was truly frigid.

Resigned to a restless sleep, Lena relented into Kara, turning away so her back fit into Kara's front and the hero's well-muscled arm draped over her torso. Her smell, already so present in the room, enveloped Lena, briefly overwhelming her.

It brought her back to every time Kara had flown her away from inescapable death. Before Kara's beaming smile and Supergirl's radiant glow had become one in her mind, when she still thought the hero was somebody other than her entirely off-limits best friend, Lena had allowed her attraction free range. During a rescue, she would nuzzle into Kara's neck and greedily inhale the scent she was now drowning in. She would let her lips graze the soft skin there, and she was certain that sometimes, she could hear a faint whimper from the hero over the wind whipping in her ears.

Snapping out of her reverie, Lena screwed her eyes closed tighter. Save the fantasizing for your own bed, Luthor. It wasn't that Lena thought Kara had no interest in her whatsoever. She wasn't blind to the signs of the super's physical attraction. But she also knew Kara well enough to know that the hero had every intention of sidelining that attraction for the good of their friendship. Kara didn't have many people she could trust with all sides of herself, and Lena would never dream of jeopardizing their relationship by making a move first.

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