Touch Me

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Lena knows, intellectually, that she's above average.

She knows how people react to her looks. She's aware of her assets and she uses them well - her skin, her shoulders and jawline, her sharp eyes and dark hair. She can emphasize them and create the illusion of a femme fatale, can wield her looks like a sword and shield in the boardroom.

She also knows that she's of above average intelligence. She graduated early from one of the most prestigious programs at MIT. She took over a multibillion dollar company at the age of 24. She speaks 4 languages and has conversed in each of them with some of the finest minds in the country. She pioneers groundbreaking technology daily.

What Lena isn't used to is...compliments.

She's used to empty flattery, fundraisers asking for her money, investors and board members trying to sway her to their sides. She's used to Lillian's barbed comments - every one coming with a string attached, with a post-script that reads 'but not good enough'. She's used to Rhea's praise, which had brought her close to tears, only to find out that she was being used yet again, a pawn in a larger plot.

Kara Danvers is a whole new experience.

Kara compliments her for the most mundane things. She loves to rile Kara up by wearing clothes that accentuate her body, but what she doesn't understand is when Kara looks at her with stars in her eyes when she's not doing anything special. Kara sweeps her up into passionate kisses even when she's dressed in sweatpants and t-shirts without a stitch of makeup; she stares adoringly when Lena is wearing bulky layers against the cold. It makes no sense.

Like now.

Kara is standing behind her, reading over the plans for a new type of low-energy water filtration system. It's a relief to be able to talk to her about these things, now that her secret is out in the open - Kara often claims that Lena is smarter than she is, even as a Kryptonian, but she has trouble believing it.

"This is amazing. You're a genius."

Lena scoffs, waving her off. "I'm just trying to help people, however I can."

Kara grins, shaking her head and laying a gentle hand on the back of her neck. "You don't give yourself enough credit. You're so good, Lena."

Lena grips her pen tightly, stiffening as the hand on her skin and the innocent words ignite something inside her - something deep and hot and extremely inappropriate for work.

You're so good, Lena.


Kara, noticing her stiffness, frowns and leans closer. "Are you okay?"

Lena takes a steadying breath, and manages to nod. "Fine."

Kara spins her chair until they're face to face, looking at her intently. "Are you sure? You seem..." Kara trails off, staring at Lena's eyes. Knowing her pupils are probably blown out, Lena cuts off the eye contact and shifts uncomfortably in her chair. To her dismay, when she looks back up, Kara's smirk is much too knowing.

"Aren't we meeting with Cat today?" Lena changes the subject, rolling her chair away from Kara's hands and standing abruptly. Kara, to her credit, lets it go and Lena takes a few seconds to collect herself.

Kara perches on the edge of the desk, swinging her legs gently. "Mhm. Apparently she wants to know who 'swiped her company out from under Morgan Edge's nose'."

Lena raises an eyebrow. "You don't think it might be more about wanting to meet the person dating her former assistant?"

Kara looks surprised. "...oh. I didn't think about it like that."

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