She Loves Control (Sometimes)

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Kara walks into L-Corp on a Tuesday afternoon, lunch in hand, to complete pandemonium.

Phones in the front lobby are ringing off the hook, the secretaries looking harried as they direct calls while trying to deal with impatient-looking businesspeople drumming their fingers on the desks. There are more people in the lobby than usual, many seeming to be waiting around for nothing or standing in small groups and talking in hushed tones.

Shaking her head and trying to process the cacophony of sound into isolated conversations to get an idea of what on earth has happened since she spoke to Lena on the phone this morning, Kara heads to the elevator, only to see it slide open with a cool ding. The scene that greets her on the other side of the polished chrome doors obliterates all the plans she might have had for the day.

Lena sweeps out onto the polished floor, heels clacking and a swarm of chattering people in her wake, and she is dressed to kill.

Her dress isn't even revealing. In fact, it's basically a turtleneck. It's tight-fitting, sure, and deep blue, but the sleeves drape in elegant ruffles all the way down to her wrists, and the skirt reaches her knees. The tight fabric rises high over her collar and up her neck, just barely concealing the freckle that rests on Lena's throat – the one Kara has run her tongue over a thousand times, the one that Lena sometimes lets her mark with small hickeys despite the fact that it usually means she has to wear high collars and concealer for a week.

No, it isn't that the dress shows Lena's skin. In fact, Kara finds herself even more fascinated with the lack thereof. It's the way she wears the outfit – with killer heels, and blood-red lipstick, and a high ponytail so perfectly coiffed that it might as well be armour. Lena looks like she's going into battle, and it's making Kara tingle in places that should not tingle during a work day. And to top it all off, Lena's face is set in a look that would make the strongest constitution wither. She looks serious. And she looks pissed.

Even with her attention pulled in a hundred directions, Lena's eyes drift across the lobby and find Kara almost immediately. Her shoulders visibly relax slightly, and she waves off two people – one holding a clipboard and the other gesturing emphatically at something on his phone – to make her way to where Kara stands. She looks Kara up and down as she walks, her eyes dragging from Kara's shoes to her fitted slacks and casual black v-neck all the way to her hair, in a low bun at the base of her neck. There's a flash of something in her eyes, the hunger that never ceases to make Kara feel hot and limber and ready.

But it disappears as quickly as it comes, and that stoic expression comes back before she's even close enough to touch.

"Kara." Lena sounds exhausted, and she's definitely distracted as she offers a quick kiss on the cheek with hardly a smile. "I know I promised lunch, but something has come up. Obviously."

The 'something' turns out to be a colossal mess.

Several board members have apparently taken it upon themselves to try to oust Lena on the grounds of 'mental instability that calls into question recent business decisions', calling for an emergency board meeting and completely fucking up Lena's week, if her stress level is any indication. Kara arrived just in time to see the chaos of L-Corp stock threatening to plummet and shareholders demanding updates on the state of corporate leadership. Lena insists that she just needs to deal with the last of the snakes left over by Lex and Lillian's time, but she's clearly in crisis management mode.

"Gosh – Lena, are you going to be okay?"

Lena answers with a cool eyebrow raise that makes Kara regret asking the question.

"I've been in much worse scenarios, trust me. The board just needs to be put in their place again." The tone in Lena's voice, the casual reminder of her position, only fuels the internal fire that Kara has been trying to soothe for the last few minutes.

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