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Evie's POV:

My eyes slightly opened, slowly. The bed felt different - it was not mine. My head was pounding so much I didn't want to get up. Whoever owns this bed, must sleep very well at night. I opened my eyes a little more for them to adjust to the light. I am facing into the bed with the covers all scrunched under my chin. The sheets were pristine white - most certainly not my bed. I don't remember anything apart from buying one drink. A simple rum and Fanta. Slowly sitting up, I looked around the room. It was a hotel room. A messy hotel rooms. Did I get a hotel room and make it a tip? Did I call my brother? My phone. I needed my phone. I looked to the bedside table to see my purse - Thank God.

On the floor was a boy. He was sleeping peacefully on a pillow with a thin blanket. This is Niall's room? Naill is in a boyband called one direction formed on X-factor. My brother is also in that band. But why I was in his bed and him on the floor is unknown to me. I don't know whether I should wake him or let him wake by himself or simply just leave. I fell back into the bed, facing up at the ceiling. "Evie?" Niall's head popped up from the floor. His blonde hair was flat. He was rubbing his eyes.

"Niall" I said back. The room fell silent with only morning sniffs and groaning. Did we get drunk together?

"Do you feel alright?" Breaking the quietness.

"Just about I have got a headache. You?" I asked back

"Oh Yeah I am fine" Niall answered back sounding slightly confused. "Do you remember anything?" He stood up throwing his pillow back on the bed. I shook my head. "Oh" He breathed. "Louis called me last night asking if I could pick you up. I don't remember why he couldn't. He thinks you were spiked" Niall explained "I would have to agree" I didn't know what to say but this whole thing made sense.

"Thanks, I guess" Sitting up again and putting my head in my hands. "How was I?"


"Was I bad?" I asked again.

12 hours earlier

Niall's POV

"Hello" Pushing my phone next to my ear. I was too sleepy to check who called me.

"Niall, could you do me a solid" Louis spoke out of my phone. I hummed in responded "I sorry if I woke you up but Evie. She doesn't sound right. She says she was left her mates and- I am not completely sure where she is. She kept being distracted I think she is outside time out. I don't think she has any money-"

"Woah woah. Calm down. What do you want?" I quickly grabbed a shirt

"Could you find her and pick her up? You know I would but-"

"I will get her for you" I said I knew Louis was in Manchester at the moment so he couldn't even try to reach her

"I have told her to stay where she is. Do you know the club Time out?"

"Yeah, I do. I just putting on my shoes now. I will ring you when I find her" I said

"Thank Niall I own you one" He breathed out thankfully

"Don't worry about it." I said quickly picking up my room key before leaving. "Bye"

It took me 20minutes driving around the spot louis told me to look until I finally found Evie. I parked my car next to the path she was sat on. As I walked around my car, I saw she had some sort of bag in her hands and her head half inside. The man that was sat next to her noticed me walking up to them. "Are you, her brother?" He stood up carefully from the wall.

"No, I am his friend" I answered. I got down to her level, putting my hand on her knee "Evie. Evie"

"Niall?" She looked up "what are you doing here?" She laughed putting her head back on the walls

"Louis sent me. Come on let's get you up" I helped her up "can you walk?"

"Couse I can walk. I have legs" Evie pointed out. Handing me the bag that was full of sick. At least she has got over the worse.

"Do you want any help" The man asked me as he looked at Evie. I placed the bag of sick in the bin.

"No, I am sure she will be fine. Thank you" I said opening the passenger seat door for her. Once she was safely inside my car I walked over to driver's side. Evie was waving at the man standing witing for us to drive off. "Do you know him?" I ask all I got was a shrug.

The street of London was quiet for a Friday night. Not a lot of traffic. The radio was faint - plying in the background. It was some kind of dance beat, no lyrics. Evie was slightly bobbing her head. I looked over at her and smiled to myself. She was wearing dark grey jeans with a dark blue top with a small leather jacket. Her hair was up in a ponytail with a few strands hanging out- probably from being sick. The music finished and she turned to me "what" She asked

"nothing" I turned my focus on the road, still smiling. She was feisty when drunk. It was funny. She was normally quiet. Don't get me wrong I have seen her fight with louis before and she seems hot headed when you get on her bad side. However, I have only spoken to her a few times because we are the same age. Her hand waits quickly to her mouth. "Are you going to be sick" I asked searching for a place to stop.

"No" Evie said closing her eyes with her hand still on her mouth.

"Are you sure because I can pull over" I assured her. "Just let me know"

"I am fine really" she said bring her had away from her mouth

"I don't want the smell of sic in my car"

"Yes, Niall I know, and I already said I won't be sick" Evie's eyes were still closed. She signed slowly "thank you for coming to get me"

"You're welcome. Louis sounded very worried about you" I smiled "Oh shit I need to ring him"


"To tell him that I have found you of course" Pressing Louis' contact on my car's screen. I rang twice before he picks up "Hi mate don't worry she is safe and here"

"Good" He said "has she told you where she lives?"

"No" I looked over at her. She had gone back to looking up with her eyes closed again.

"I know her door but not her block. There is so many"

"Don't worry" I said "Evie which block do you live in?"

"Err" She thought

"Evie you should know" Louis said

"I have lived there for 3 weeks calm down. And my head is hurting" Evie said back "13 or 31. It defiantly as a 3. 3! No 23." She spoke to herself.

"You know what mate I will just take her back to mine. Probably will be easier and I can watch her" I decided

"You sure" Louis questioned

"Yeah, I am sure" After we said our goodbyes and I told him that she will ring him tomorrow. "Only 5 minutes away from the hotel" She mumbled something under breath. "Sorry?" I asked

"I am going to be sick!" She shouted. I hit the brakes quickly. Evie ran out the car and bent over while throwing up. A car beeped at us and zoomed past us. I put my head on the streel wheel until she came back into the car.

When we got into my room Evie started giggling. "What" I laughed back. She shook her head still laughing. "What. What are you laughing at?" I asked

"The amount of 15-year-old girl who would beat me up to be able to stand here" She giggled "maybe even kill"

"Can we not talk about underage girls in my room please" I smiled

"Sure" She shrugged "This is a nice room" She gave me a silly smiled. Evie began to undo her black heels while sitting on my bed.

"Do you want some water" I asked. Evie nodded. "Sorry for the mess" Once I turned my back from the mini fridge.

"I don't care" Evie reached over to grab a pillow and threw it on the floor. "Night" she said quietly as she laid nicely on my pillow. I placed the bottle of water on the bedside table. And grabbed a blanket

"Don't be sick in my bed" I warned. "Goodnight" I quietly said back to her. I was going to offer to sleep on the floor anyway. 

Word Count: 1482 

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