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Evie's POV:

I had decided to bake because there is nothing fun in Louis apartment when you are alone. I have finished all my Uni work, so I had nothing to keep me out of boredom. A recipe for lemon drizzle cupcakes had been in my Pinterest board for ages and Louis had a lot of lemons. So, it was a no brainer. While You Were Sleeping was on in the background as I made the mixture.

I began grating the zest of the lemon when a knock came from the front door. I let Louis go and open the door because it was not going to be anyone for me. Another knock banged on the door a few seconds later. "LOUIS!" I shouted. Nothing was said back. I press pause on my phone after wiping my hands on a tea towel. A louder knock. "COMING!" I said, walking towards the door.

The door opened to Niall waiting behind the door. He was wearing a thin white shirt with casual blue jeans. He had a black bomber jacket in his hands. "Hey" Niall said.

"Hi" I smiled. Moving back from the door for Niall to step inside. "I don't know where Louis is. He has been answering the door the last few times" I explained tightening the bobble in my hair. Niall looked at me and his smile grew wider.

"Have you been baking?" He asked. My eyebrows moved in confusion. "You got some flour on your cheek" He pointed at his own cheek. I felt my cheek brushing the flour away. "Gone"

"Good" I said. Wiping my hand on my shirt "There are lemon cupcakes" I told him, pointing to the kitchen. He walked past me into the kitchen. I followed close behind him.

"Wow you made a mess" He laughed. Looking at the dusting of flour on the floor.

"There is a rip in the flour so when I poured it the flour went everywhere. Which explains the flour on my face" I said. "I am not a neat baker"

"I can see that" Inspecting the mixture the metal mixing bowl. "Looks good" I thanked him while picking up my phone, which must have fallen when I answered the door. "What are you watching?"

"While you were sleeping" I answered pressing play. "It is one of my favourite films"

"Never watched it" Niall smiled. I turned to him with an offended face.

"How? You need to watch it. It is such a great movie!" I said looking at the screen to Lucy, telling Peter about her day and how she wants her life to go while he was still in his coma. "She saved his life, and she thinks she is in love with him even though she has never talked to him. But while he is in his coma, she starts to have feelings for his brother who also likes her. But his family thinks she's engaged to him. So, the brother never tells her but hints at it. Then! Peter wakes up from his coma obviously not knowing who she is, however, he wants to change himself and wants to marry her anyway" I said. I looked away from my phone to see Niall smiling at me as I explained the whole entire film "I am going to stop there before I ruin the film for you" I smiled back at him

"It sounds confusing" Niall said

"It does sound confusing, but it is good" I agreed.

"Niall" Louis peered around the door "We are in the sound room"

"Okay cool" Niall nodded "Bye Evie" he said placing his hand on the top of my shoulder to gently move me out of his way. His hand was warm. He moved past Louis out of the kitchen.

"I hope you not ruining my kitchen" Louis warns "Make sure to clean this up"

"I am going to do it" I said rolling my eyes at him. I picked up the grater and lemon and kept my head down as a blushed.

I woke up on Louis' sofa to music playing faintly in the background. Louis was sitting with his knee up. He had a folder resting on his knee as he wrote. "What time is it" I asked

"Errrm it will be turning 6 soon" He answered checking the time on his phone. "Nice sleep?"

"I guess" I stretched. I sat up rubbing my face. He carried on writing down the piece of paper. "There is nothing to do"

"Why don't you go play with Paul" Louis suggested

"It is Percy why can't you get his name right"

"Because I like winding you up" He pretended to punch my head "You know if we didn't have this new album coming out then we could do something-"

"I Know" I smiled

"Why don't you go out with your friends?" He suggested it again. I hummed thinking about it. Only a handful of people are still in London, most of my mates are home. So, until Nina comes back on Thursday, I have no one.

"Is there anything I could help you with" I asked. Louis looked up from his work and looked over the paperwork in front of us on the coffee table.

"Actually" he said with his hand hovering over the papers. Louis picked up a pile and placed it in-between us on the sofa "When you see this chorus write Niall's name." He placed a pen on the chorus "Once you have finished that song, we will find you another one". I picked up a folder and balanced it on my lap and began. "Fun right?" Louis chuckled. I shook my head smiling down at the paper. I smiled again after thinking about how Niall would sing the lyrics next to his name in MY handwriting!

Word Count: 972

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