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Niall's POV:

Harry held the Simon Cowell masks over his face. It was something a fan gave him outside. He was putting his best Simon voice on "It is a no from me" Harry's shoulder shrugged. Me and Zayn were laughing so hard, it was becoming hard to breathe. The front door opened behind us as me and Zayn were hitting each other, it was so funny. "Oh my gosh" Harry said in his normal voice pushing the mask into Zayn "Look at you" Harry ran between Zayn and me. We turned to see harry lifting Evie up and spinning her around.

"Put me down" Evie laughed. Harry did as she asked, placing her on the ground safely. Evie was wearing some leggings and a dark green Adidas jumper. Her hair was half up in a bun, it didn't look like it took her long although she looks good with her hair like that. On top of her head were black and silver sunglasses. She looked over at me then at the mask in Zayn's hand "What is that?"

"Never mind that" Harry said "How is uni?" He asked

"Good" She shrugged. Harry nodded his head to see if he could get any more information from her.

"Harry stop acting like her gran" Zayn pushed harry shoulder.

"I am not, I am simply asking her how Uni is going" Harry defended. Evie giggled moving the cardboard box on her hip.

"What are you here for?" Zayn asked her

"Cat stuff." Evie explained, rattling the box which made a jiggle. "Where is he anyway?"

"He is in there" I answered pointing to the dinning room which he uses as a work room

"Thanks" She smiled at me; walking passed me toward the dinning room.

"She is in her talkative mood today" Harry said. It wasn't long until she came back through the door without a box in her hand.

"So, Louis is taking Percy then" I asked. She looks taken back a second as if she was surprised we were still out here.

"Yeah, thankfully" She smiled putting her hands behind her back. "I bring him over next while I stay here"

"Who is the hell Percy" Harry asked

"The cat she is rehoming" I explained

"Do you want a drink or anything" Zayn asked Evie.

"She knows she could get herself one if she wanted" Louis had walked out of the dining room and stood next to her

"I will take a lemonade" Evie smiled walking with Zayn to the kitchen.

"Why is Evie staying with you" Harry asked as the three of us walked into Louis' Lounge.

"She only for a week while it is half term because she is wanting to make sure this cat gets settled in" Louis explained

"Percy" Harry said. Louis' eyebrows knitted together "That is what Niall called it" Louis looked me in the eye with the frown still on his face.

"I saw him when I dropped her off that time" I quickly said. Louis gave me a slight nod. With his frown disappearing I felt like I could breathe again. For some reason I felt guilty for dropping her off back home.

"Which time" Harry said with a confused smile on his lips.

"Do you guys want anything?" Evie asked standing in the doorway. Both me and Louis shook our heads.

"I will" Harry put his hand up

"Do you want any help" Liam asked from behind her. She nodded but instead of Liam, Harry went to help her and Zayn because he couldn't decide on what he wanted.

It was a long couple of minutes before Zayn and Evie showed up with their drinks. I have noticed that Evie and Zayn get along quite well. I don't know if it is just because they are both quiet people and not. But Zayn treats her like one of his sisters as well. They even sometimes hang out when the rest of us aren't there. Evie passed Liam his cup of coffee and sat on the arm next to her brother. Her spite one of the small cans- she obviously isn't going to stay long. Probably because she has a class to get to. Don't even know what she is doing at university? She has never mentioned. Neither have the boys - or maybe they have, and I haven't listened? Next time I see her, I will ask her because she was saying goodbyes to us all. I didn't think she would leave that quickly. "See you at the party then" Evie smiled as she walked out of the room

"What" Louis questioned

"Me and Zayn invited her" Harry gestured between him and Zayn.

"Oh cool" Louis smiled. So, when I ask about her cat, I get a frown and when they ask her to our party, he gives them a smile how is that fair. 

Word Count: 811

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