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Evie's POV:

I finished my glass of apple juice, sitting on my sofa, waiting for Louis to text me back. I had gotten home 15 minutes ago and texted him as soon as I got home. I began to worry because I wasn't getting a reply. I was too tired to get changed out of my dress. I picked out my Honky Château vinyl by Elton John. I stayed slowly to the music as I planted myself back on the sofa. I let out a sign trying to get comfortable, I grabbed the blanket that sat over the back of the sofa and placed it around myself. My eyes feel heavy, closing slowly.

There was a noise coming from the door. I assumed it was Nina coming back so I let my eyes shut again. A faint knock banged on the door. I breathed out, pushing the blanket off me. I rubbed my eyes walking over to the front door. When I unlocked the door no one was there. My eyebrows joined together in confusion. I poked my head out from my flat. Niall was walking down the elevator. "Niall?" His head instantly turned to the sound of my voice. He stood back from the lifts. "Niall what are you doing here?" I stepped out of my flat.

"I came to see you" he said stepping forward. I folded my arms- it was cold out here.

"Come inside it's freezing" I step back onto my warm welcome mat waiting for Niall. He didn't take that long to appear through my door. "What are you doing here" I repeated, walking further into my flat, expecting him to follow. He opened his mouth "Don't say to see you. Why are you here to see me?" I turned around questioning him about this. Niall thought for a second. I studied his face carefully. I moved closer to in expect him further. His cheek had a red mark. My hand raised to his cheek.

"Oh that" He moved away slightly "It's nothing" I rubbed it with my thumb. It was going to bruise. Niall's eyes watched my face intently. My hand left his cheek and fell to my side. Our eyes made contact "I fucked up" Niall said "I am so sorry. I don't know why have come really. I just needed to know if you were okay... I know I overreacted a little tonight. It was making me lose my mind that you weren't talking to me and when you started kissing that guy" He paused, thinking to himself "I was already going to push him away from you even before I saw you passing out. I know that it is my own fault for feeling like this because I have been making myself go crazy since I left after kissing you. I have been able to get it out of my head.... Angry at myself for doing that to you."

"Why did you" I asked

"Because...... Because I got scared. I was frightened that I didn't deserve you and wat would have to come next after we kissed. I understand it stupid and silly but" His fingertips were lightly touching the back of my hand. "I just want you" 

Word Count: 540

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