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Niall's POV:

Louis had left to collect our food order for Italian. He left the three of us downstairs in the office. Arthur, our top member in middle management. He normally comes along and hooves up all the last-minute paperwork. Evie was sitting next to me, helping us. It was cute that she would spare her time to help us. This was probably the most fun I have ever had while doing work for the album that is not simply writing. Evie was wearing dark red sweatpants with a black top. I teased her about her fluffy socks that had Haymitch from the hunger games. They were bright orange and apparently, they were her favourite socks. I watched her write and smiled at her while she worked. "What? Why are you watching me?" Evie asked keeping her eyes on the work in front of her

"I wasn't" I shrugged turning back to my work as if she was lying

"You weren't, okay" Evie nodded to herself. We all got back on with our work. My head to my right again after a while.

"You look like Dorothy" I said flipping the pigtail closer to me with my pen. She placed it back on her chest.

"Who is Dorothy?" She chuckled pulling out the scrunchie in the pigtail.

"From the Wizard of Oz" I smiled watching her take out the other one. She rolled her eyes playfully as she ran her fingers through her hair. I gazed at her as she fixed her hair, wondering if it always looked so silky. Once she had finished, she turned to me and gave me a cute smile before picking up her pen and tapping it on her pen on the table. I opened my mouth to say something, however Arthur beat me to it. Me and Evie looked across the table. "What?"

"I said whereas the 285 pdfs" He asked with the red 285 folder open in front of him. I looked over the table in front of us and the paperwork at the side of me.

"I think I put them with the 74 pdfs" Evie said anxiously. My hand covered my face as I rubbed my eyes

"You what?" Arthur questioned

"Well Louis put them next to me, so I thought I had to do them like this," Evie explained. "I put them into two piles, so they weren't mixed up"

"Well thank you for that" Arthur snapped sarcastically.

"I am sorry. I d-"

"You're sorry?" Arthur questioned

"Hey she didn't know!" I stuck up for her. He ignored me and snatched the files in front of Evie

"Listen why don't you go to a party or something, so you don't mess anything else up for us" Arthur slammed all the work Evie had done in the shred pile. Even the work she had done right. Evie quickly moved her seat out and ran out of the room.

"You didn't need to talk to her like that!" I snapped

"Yes, I did. I am going to get fired because she is an idiot!" He had started packing up his things

"She is NOT an idiot!" I yelled "She made a mistake"

"Well, she wouldn't have bothered if you weren't making goggly eyes at her all night" He placed his hand on the table forcefully

"Excuse me!"

"You heard me. She may would have paid more attention if you were flirting with the girl" Arthur clipped up his briefcase and walked out the door

"Maybe if you were paying attention to your job this wouldn't have happened" I augured following him out the door

"Whatever I am calling in sick and for a holiday. Hope the album comes out!" Arthur yelled before slamming the door. I hit the wooden door as it shut in frustration. I itched the back of my neck, turning around to Evie sitting in the middle of the stairs. Her face was buried in her hands, her hair draped over her hands. I signed.

"Have I ruined your launch?" She asked lifting her head up. Her eyes were red and watery.

"Of course, not" I said walking up the stairs to her. I sat down next to her on the stairs. Evie's head stayed looking down at her fingers picking at her Haymitch socks. "It was his fault! It was his job to sort this out, not ours. And to then blame it on us because we were.... we were-"

"Louis is going to kill me" she said

"He won't. We will fix it" I assured her. We may have to delay the date, but it could have been any of us. She sniffled, pulling at her socks, "He was right-I mean you don't have to be doing this." You should be going out and-"

"Is that all you think I do?" Evie turned her head to look me in the eye. I swallowed when I looked into her eyes

"No. I didn't mean it like that!" I stated "You're.... so hard working. I don't know another uni student who finishes their work within two days of their holidays. You're bright and witty and..... beautiful. You're also funn-"

"You think I am beautiful?" Evie questioned. I looked up at her again. My hand moved to the back of my neck. I started to cough out words of awkwardness.

"hhmm... You must know you are. But that isn't everything" She smiled at me as I choked out words. "I don't know what is going on with-" Evie leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. She moved back, I breath out slowly as I studied her eyes. I smiled, placing my hands on the sides of her neck pulling her back in. Her head titled to the right as I intertwined some stands of her hair in my fingers. Her lips parted a little and I slipped my tongue inside her mouth. Tasting her. I was kissing Evie. Evie Tomlinson. I stopped and moved an inch away from her lips. I kept my hand in her hair, feeling it between my fingers. She was patiently waiting for me. I don't deserve her. "I have got to go" I said with my eyes still closed "I have stuff to sort out" I pulled my hands away from her skin. "I'll message you" I got up and left quickly.

Word Count: 1060

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