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Evie's POV:

Lucas and I danced and jumped as the band sang a cover of Valarie. That was my favourite song. It always made me want to smile as I danced. We have been on the dance floor since we arrived. The band were amazing and made such good music. I twirled to the last chorus in Valarie, singing it word for word. At the bar, I realized Niall was sitting on a stool talking to some friends. I smiled to myself as I watched him laugh with them. It seemed only him out of the boys was the only one here for the band. Then the band sang the last line "Why don't you come on over Valerie?" Niall began to clap once the song had finished. He beamed up at the band as he clapped. Niall's eyes flicked to me as he carried on clapping. He gazed at me smirking to himself. Niall waved at me; I smiled back returning a wave before going back to dancing to the next song.

The band played more songs written by them and some other covers. Me and Niall continued to make eye contact throughout the songs. However, when I looked over to his seat, it was empty. The people talking to him were still at the bar. Had he left? My stomach sank. I turned around to search for him. I noticed him on the dance floor talking with Nina. They chatted for a quick moment before they started dancing together. "Look! Niall is dancing with Nina" I laughed pointing to Lucas to turn to them "He never dances"

"I can see why," Lucas commented under his breath. I smacked his arm. "It is nice of him though" he said turning back to the stage. I watched Niall and Nina briefly. Niall jumped up with his arms flying around above his head. I always thought his dancing was cute.

Turning Jane started to pack up the stage. The dance floor had been getting smaller and smaller as people left the venue. There was only a handful of people left including me, Lucas and Nina. Lucas was enjoying the dance music sounding from the speaker of the bar. Me and Nina sat in the booth waiting for him to stop and take us home. Nina was let up on my shoulder. It was turning midnight in a few minutes. Niall appeared in front of us. "I didn't realize you were here" I said smiling up at him. Niall smiled back at me.

"You look bored" He chuckled

"I am so ready to go home" Nina said with her eyes closed

"Lucas!" I yelled. His head turned to me, and he walked closer to us "Are you okay to take us home?"

"Really, but the band is going to the club around the corner" he said. His eyes looked at Niall and then to me and Nina "yeah sure I will go get your coat"

"You stay I will take the girls home." Niall stopped him. Lucas thought for a moment

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am going back to Louis anyway" Niall shrugged

"Go have fun. We will go with Niall" I said giving Lucas a smile.

"Thanks, I'll text you tomorrow" Lucas grinned at Niall turning back to the band.

"Let's get out of here!" Nina lifted her fist in the air. I grabbed my coat and bag as we followed Niall out to his car.

Niall drove out from the parking space after Nina left the car. I reached down to my strap around my ankle, unbuckling the buckle. "My feet are killin' me" I commented rubbing the bottom of my feet then moving on to my next heel. Niall, smiling, tapping his finger on the steering wheel to the beat of the music coming from the radio. I sat with my legs crossed on the seat. "Why did you decide to come?" I asked.

"Someone needed to support the band" He answered. Niall was silent for a moment. "And I don't trust the guys who take you on dates" Laughter escaped my mouth. "What? What's so funny?"

"He fancies the bass player." Niall looked over to me with a puzzled face "He is gay"

"You're kidding" Niall said. I nodded my head holding in more laughs.

"Nice to know you're looking out for me though" I smiled placing my coat over my legs. Niall didn't speak, he turned up the heating in the car and carried on driving. "I feel like eating" I said as we went passed an Italian restaurant closing u for the night.

"What do want to eat?" Niall asked. I thought for a second.

"KFC" I decided. Niall nodded in approval. "Do you know what would be cool. If we take some back to the boys!" I spoke

"Yeah, that would be cool of us" Niall agrees again "They probably haven't eaten this whole time" We brought four boneless buckets, three boxes of popcorn chicken, five tubs of gravy, Some corn on the cobs and chips. It seemed like enough to feed a whole banquet. When we arrived back at Louis, we realized we were right, and they hadn't stopped working since Niall left. Everyone was grateful for KFC. It was probably one of the nicest KFC I have ever had. Everyone enjoyed it in the food in the living room. Me and Niall sat next to each other on the sofa as we are ate.  

Word Count: 905

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