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Evie's POV

"Was I bad?" I asked to reach for the water that was on the bedside table. Niall thought for a second.

"You were okay. Apart from when you tried to strip off" he said. My mouth fell open. Heat had filled my face "I am kidding! It was a joke" Niall grinned

"That's not a funny joke" I hit him on his bare arm.

"Your face was funny. You were fine. A little mean but okay" He shrugged sitting on the edge of his bed opposite me.

"Mean?" I questioned

"Yeah, not in a horrible way but in a cold and distant kind of way." Niall smiled. I picked up my purse and took out my phone. Most of my mates had texted me. So had Louis a couple times.

"I better get back home" I said beginning to text them all back

"Which block do you live in?" He asked

"2" I answered. He chuckled but I didn't ask why. I was too focused on my messages

"Well, I can take you back. I am not doing anything until a meeting with the boys" Niall offered

"Really you don't have to. I think you have looked after me enough" I smiled

"I don't mind. You're Louis's sister, why wouldn't I help you?" He scratched the back of his neck. I smiled and nodded agree to him taking me home. I just wanted to get out of these jeans, they were not comfortable to sleep in. I grabbed my crop leather jacket and started putting my shoes on while Niall did the same.

Niall walked me to my flat our which I told him was a sweet thing to do. He smiled while having a red tint on the peak of his cheeks. God he was cute. "Well thank you I know Louis will also thank you as well" I said unlocking my door

"Really it was fine. I just hope you feel fine." Niall smiled again. I opened my door to a grumpy cat meowing at me.

"Yes, I know you want food. I'm sorry" I petted Percy head and looked back up at Niall. He was smiling even wider than before bending down to fuss over Percy. I watched him for a bit as he scratched Percy's cheek. Percy moved his head, so Niall gave him an ear scratch. Niall chuckled at Percy's bossiness. "I didn't know you like cats"

"Sure, I do. He is gorgeous. Niall looked up at me. "He is a he right?"

"Percy" I nodded "that's his name" Niall smiled at Percy as he brushed against his hand for more pets. Percy was still meowing for his food but was loving the attention from Niall. Who wouldn't love Niall Horan's attention? "I have only had him a week or so. I will keep him until he gets rehomed. His owner died and he was left on his own"

"Poor boy" Niall said who was now sitting crossed legged on my floor. Percy was standing on Niall's knee. "He is very affectionate. Are you? Yes, you are"

"And loud" I laughed as a shut my door because it was clear Percy was not letting Niall leave. "I shouldn't have him here as you're not allowed pets. I am hoping Louis will take him soon, but I haven't found the time to ask him" I explained as I began to walk into the kitchen to prepare Percy's food. "Oh, Nina has feed you already."

"Is that your flat mate?" Niall was leaning on one of my kitchen cupboards behind me. He had his hands gripping the edge of the kitchen surface. I quickly turned back around, swallowing hard.

"Yeah." I answered "Sorry about the mess. She also didn't come back till late as well last night" I said moving some dishes in the sink that was practically already full.

"I'm pretty sure my boxers were on the floor when you were in my room, so it is not a problem" He assured me. Percy was standing by the door of the kitchen still meowing his head off.

"So, what are you whinging at?" I said, beginning to follow him. "See he is so noisy." Niall was following him with me, laughing as he walked. Percy stopped at the shut door of the living room "You are kidding me you are such a lazy cat" I say as I open the door to the living room. Percy finally stopped meowing.

"Your record player is cool" Niall complemented flipping through our vinyl's. The record player was from 1950 which was wooden. It is normally the first thing people notice in our flat. "Alot of Taylor Swift. Elton John.... Justin Bieber, Best of Hannah Montana....... Katy and Ed Sheeran" Niall spoke to himself as he flipped through the collection, nodding to himself every time he flipped passed one. He stopped when he finished when the last one was his Take Me Home album. his phone pinged loudly. Niall took his phone out of his pocket of his joggers. "Duty calls" he said shaking his phone side to side. I nodded, smiling as he walked back towards me.

"Thank you again Niall" I repeated

"Really don't mention it" He smiled "See ya Percy" He waved at Percy who was calmly sitting on the sofa. "Bye," Niall said to me before leaving my flat.

Word Count: 906

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