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Evie's POV:

Applying my lipstick in my mirror, I checked the time. 18:22. I had 8 minutes to put my heels on, pack my bag with my phone and some makeup and make sure my curling tongs are switched off. Louis asked me to go to the award show One Direction as been asked to attend to promote their new album: FOUR.

I had thought about declining the invite because of how awkward it may be with Niall. That is because he in fact has not messaged me like he said he would after it being week since. But he might be 'too busy' sorting things out. What a dick. Louis told me about his made-up excuse for leaving- I don't remember what he said. Louis did fix my mistake quite easily however I don't think he will let me help with their work again- oh well. But I have decided to go with the boys because I need to show Niall that I am not bothered and am waiting for him. If he doesn't like kissing me, he doesn't have to. I also agreed because Louis said he would buy me a dress.

Louis' driver pulled up outside, so I met Louis at the door of my flat block. "You look beautiful" He smiled gesturing to the car. I politely smiled- I hate that word. "The boys are already there and according to them it is hectic to get into the place," Louis said as belted my seatbelt. We talked throughout the car journey. When we finally arrived at the arena, Louis exited the car first and I followed stepping to the side to allow him to get solo photo as the boys joined him on the carpet. "Shall we?" Sophia questioned gesturing behind the cameras and reporters. "Lovely dress"

"Ohh thank you" I smiled before complementing her back "How did you get your hair like that?"

"My hairstylist is a miracle worker" She chuckled. We waited for the boys to finish with their carpet photos. Liam was the first to join us, wrapping his arm around Sophia's waist. The others followed close behind. I made eye contact with Niall straight away, he looked star-struck and surprised when he looked at me. My lips moved into a friendly smile, not annoyed or smug. Just a nice smile as if nothing happened, he swiftly looked to the ground- that should teach him.

We sat in the centre of the venue. I was facing the stage, with Louis and Harry sitting either side of me. Liam and Sophia were opposite me. Zayn sat in between Harry and Sophia while Niall sat next to Louis and Liam. I did my best to ignore Niall without it being obvious to anyone but him that was not speaking to him. When I turned to Louis, out of the corner of my eye I could see he was irritated. Which made me regret how I was acting towards him although he must not regret leaving me on the staircase.

I was taken back to the after party at someone place- I am not sure any of us know whose house it was. But the party was fun, I drank a lot while dancing kept ignoring Niall, however he seemed to be avoiding me as well-, so I did not feel bad anymore infact it pushed me on. I met a guy while dancing, he was quite sweet as we danced together. His name was Henry, he asked my name as he poured me a drink. He was cute with nice eyes, and I needed someone. So as everyone else carried on dancing, wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him over with me to the wall. Henry smiled pressing his forehead onto mine waiting for me to kiss him. Why can't people kiss me first? I leaned in quickly, our lips touched. Once we connected, he picked up the pace of the kiss. I closed my eyes shut, trying to balance myself as I swayed. My head felt funny, it was pounding since I leaned in. My arms left Henry's side, He was lifting me up by my waist. He hadn't realized I was starting to pass out yet.

That was until he went flying to the side of me. My eyes were still closed shut when I lifted me to my head hoping my cold fingers would help my headache. The music was starting to sound like music again, not just banging. I felt someone's hands on my shoulder holding me down on the ground until I opened my eyes. Louis was speaking to me- or shouting at me "EVIE, can you hear me!"

"What" I mumbled as my eyes fluttered open.

"Let's get some fresh air" Perrie was sitting at the side of me. She grabbed my hand, helping me up. I looked the other away to Henry standing with his hands up in defence. Niall was in front of him with his arm crossed tight over his chest. I could only see the back of his head, I tried to move towards him, but Perri pulled me toward the side door. The last thing I saw was Louis trying to move in between Henry and Niall. "Come on sweetie" Perri set me down on the ground up against the wall. I put my head back and breathed out "Are you feeling a little better?" Perri asked kneeling next to me.

"I'm going to be sick" I say slowly. She looked around for something to grab.

"Can you go get a bowl or tub or something" She asked someone walking by. I kept my head up with my hand over my mouth to keep the sick down as long as I can. Perri's hand rubbed my bicep gently. "Did you want to kiss him?"

"Yeah, until I did then I didn't feel very well." I explained "He did nothing wrong" Perri pushed a bowl into my hands and let my head fall into the bowl. I was glad I decided to up my hair up in bun tonight. Perri kept rubbing my back, congratulating me on throwing up. There was a loud cheer from inside. I signed reclosing my eyes.

"Is she okay" Zayn asked standing in front of me.

"She is fine and right here" I answered myself

"Yeah, you're fine" Zayn laughed

"What's going on in there?" Perri asked. Zayn didn't answer- that is worrying. "Have you finished? Do you want to go back in?" I shook my head lifting to my feet.

"I'm just going to go home and take some paracetamol." I smiled placing the bowl of sic on the ground. "Have a good night"

"Bye" Zayn and Perri waved. 

Word Count: 1124

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