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Niall's POV:

The boys and I had scheduled a meeting without realizing we had promised Turning Jane, who are an upcoming band, that we would show up to support them at the gig. Unfortunately, because of this meeting we couldn't make it. Me and Harry could technically go but we promised we would help the others tonight. Although we couldn't make it, we made sure to tell everyone we knew to go instead. It is an open invite anyway. Louis had mentioned it to Evie. She had invited her friends and found a date for it. I had been speaking to her since Wednesday. She has been playing on my mind the past week. A knock came from the front door. My eyes darted to the door. None of us moved. I don't think the boys were listening out for it. "Louis can you get the door!" Evie yelled from her room

"I am busy!" Louis tapped him pen on the table in frustration

"I haven't done my hair yet and he can't just wait outside" Evie yelled again

"Why can't he?" Louis shouted back. There was an irritated whine

"Can someone please open the door?" she asked nicely. No one moved. "Please!" I slammed my pen on the table and stood from my chair. The boys didn't seem to notice or care that I was opening the door. They were very concentrated unlike me. I unlocked the door and opened it to a guy in a smart blue hoodie with white trousers. His hair was covered with a blue NYC cap. I wondered if I could make his nose bleed by shutting the door with some force. He walked past me instead.

"Where is she?" He asked taking off his hat

"She's not ready" I snapped walking off from him. Leaving him at door. He began to follow me until he made eye contact with Louis. He stood outside in the hallway.

"What's your name?" Louis asked

"Lucas" He smirked. The conversation stopped there. I don't think Louis wanted to speak to him any longer. I wanted to know more about it before he took Evie to my mate's gig. Where does she find these guys? After a few minutes, Evie's door opened. Her heel clacked on Louis wooden floor. My eyes waited until she appeared to greet Lucas. I had my head held up on my elbow while my elbow rested on paperwork. When Evie came into view my lips parted. She looked so elegant. Her hair was fully down- I have never seen it fully down before. There was a blue gemmed headband in her hair, keeping it out of her face. Evie wore a short blue dress. The was only thin straps keeping it up on her shoulders. It looked soft to touch. The skirt of the dress was flowy and relaxing. It wasn't tight around her legs. She only had a small white heel tonight that strapped around her ankle. My hand could wrap around that ankle. Evie smiled, standing on her tip toes to kiss the guy on the cheek. He whispered something in her ear that made her blush. His hands were positioned on her waist. My fist tightened around my hair. I tried to look down and distract myself from her. But I couldn't keep my eyes away- what is wrong with me? I leaned closer to louis.

"You're not going to let her out just in that?" I questioned. Louis turned to Evie and thought for a moment. Everyone else now saw her when she peered in the doorway.

"Evie" Louis said placing his pen down. "Do you have a jacket you will freeze to death" I wanted to hit him. How was a jacket coming to help?

"Oh yeah I forgot. It is still in my room." Evie turned to Lucas "One sec" Evie ran back to her room.

"If I hear anything" Louis pointed at Lucas "I mean hands I know people" He warned. Lucas held his hands up in defence. Evie soon came back with a cropped white jacket in her hand

"Are we ready?" She asked. Lucas nodded, following her to the door. My fist was beginning to pull my hair out.

"Bye!" Harry shouted with a grin. Everyone around the table got back to work. I could not. My head had nothing but Evie. Well Evie dancing with Lucas. I don't tend to dance but I would dance with her. Would she even think about me when at the concert? I looked at my phone and it had been 10 minutes since she left. And I have done nothing to contribute to the meeting. I just can't think straight. Technically this is Zayn, Liam and Louis' work. I don't need to be here. I could be at the concert, having a fun time.

"You don't need for this do you?" I asked Liam. Liam shook his head "Because I might go to the gig, I am someone needs to show up"

"Yep, that's fine" Liam agreed, concentrating on the contract in front of him. I stood sliding my phone in my back jeans pocket.

"I'll watch out for her" I said patting Louis on the side of the shoulder

"I know you will" Louis smirked as I walked away from the meeting.

Word Count: 927

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