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Evie's POV:

I straightened my skirt before we walked through the door. It was a glittery silver skirt and it seemed to ride up my thigh with every step I took. I hate when a skirt does this! The skirt was paired with a dressy black top. The music was much louder when you walked into the party. Nina was walking behind me. I forgot whose party this was, so I was searching for Zayn or Louis. There were too many people. I don't even know if they are here yet and I was happy for anyone that I knew to see me. "Can you see Louis?" I asked Nina. She shook her head looking around. "Let's get a drink" Grabbing her hand leading her to drinks island.

"Do you know these people?" Nina asked looking around at the rich and famous people. I have never taken her to one of these parties before. She is making the same face she did when I told her who my brother was. At first, she thought I was pranking her until I showed her 5 different photos together. I never raised myself and Louis don't have more than 7 photos together.

"Some are familiar" I said pouring myself a drink. "I don't think Zayn is here yet" I preferred having Zayn around at these parties because it then never looks like you're being bored in the corner or following around your big brother. I had I feeling he wasn't coming until late, so I brought Nina with me.

"Oh my god is that Skepta" Nina hit my arm taking a step forward. I pulled her back quickly.

"Don't go over to anyone you know. They were either introduced to you, or they come over on their own. They are not keen on when fans are at these parties. Just be calm." I explained

"Good point. I can do calm" She nodded to herself. "Do you go to these things often?"

"Err when I get an invite yes. Shall we go dance?" I asked as I finished my drink. Nina agreed that when she downed her drink, we would go dance. It was fun dancing together and stopping for quick shot breaks. Nina had finally relaxed at the thought of being at a "rich famous people party" as she called it.

"Liam. I found Liam" Nina pointed over my shoulder with a proud face. I turned around to see Liam smiling behind me

"You came!" Liam gave me a hug. He smelled of men aftershave and whiskey. "Zayn thought you weren't coming"

"Why did he think that?" I questioned

"He has been trying to find you for the past hour" Liam said holding on to my shoulders to stead himself. "I think he is up in the quiet room shall I take you up there?" I nodded

"This is my friend Nina" Gesturing to Nina next to me. Liam give Nina a charming smile for us both to follow him

"The quiet room" Nina whispers in my ear. Her face was filled with excitement. "What is the quiet room?"

"The furthest room from the music where everyone talks. But I found it boring; I shrugged as we followed Liam up the stairs.

"It is full of people talking about investments" Liam rolls his eyes. "And you have made it to your destination" He chuckled opening the door. The room was much busier than usual. You couldn't call it a quiet room. It was normal that less than 10 people inside sitting in soft armchairs. This room was partially as crowded as downstairs. "Where is that boy?" Liam questioned walking further in the room. Nina was still holding onto my hand as we passed through people.

"Payno!" Someone's hands grabbed Liam's shoulders. My hand was losing circulation. Harry's eyes looked at me and Nina. "Evie Marie!"

"Hello Harry. This is my friend Nina" I smiled.

"Hi" Harry grinned putting his hand out for Nina to shake. She let go of my hand to shake Harry hand after she grabbed my hand again. It was shaking which made me smile. Nina stepped back and nearly fell back until she caught my arm and Liam's bicep. The heel had cracked.

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