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12. The Boar Bares its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps

" I think this title does not make sense either." Iguro said.

" That is why I stopped thinking about these bullshit titles now." Sanemi said.

" I think the boar part refers to Inosuke Kun showing his power or his introduction and Zenitsu Kun, well, sleeps." Shinobu said.

" But what does it mean that this yellow brat fucking sleeps, he has to protect that child with him." Sanemi yelled, stepping towards Zenitsu, who hid behind Tanjiro all while Masachika tried to stop Sanemi from crushing the poor boy.

" Let us calm down and watch. " Masachika said.

"I hope you're ready for me, cause' I'm coming through," Inosuke shouted, as he charged at the demon.

"Wait, we didn't get a recap," Kanae said.

"Probably because we got left on a high tension scene. Plus we just watched the last part," Iguro suggested.

"That makes sense," Kanae said.

" Iguro San is so smart." Kanroji said as Iguro turned red.

"It's all so infuriating," the demon said, striking a drum.

The room began to rotate, Teruko yelped as her back hit the new floor. Tanjiro landed effortlessly.

" What a troublesome Demon Art. " Sabito said.

"I agree. It is not flashy at all." Uzui added.

" It can be a little hard to defeat for a Mizinotu, especially as the mansion is controlled by him." Rengoku said.

" The girl ! She is hurt. " Aoi yelled.

"She might break her back during your fight. You better do something about it." Kanae and Shinobu said at the same time.

"Teruko, hold on to the furniture," Tanjiro said.

Hearing this Shinobu and Kanae along with Aoi sighed in relief.

Inosuke jumped onto Tanjiro's arm, using it as leverage to go to the demon.

" That was not at all polite, Inosuke." Shinobu said.

" I do not care." Inosuke said though his actions said otherwise as he looked away from Shinobu, sulking.

" Yeah, that was really mean to use Tanjiro as a stepping stone for your motive." Kanroji said. Iguro silently glared at Inosuke.

' Is she avenging me or insulting me ?' Tanjiro thought.

"Also, that's not safe for you at all, Weirdo. " Aoi exclaims, as Inosuke just stared at her.

" You do not know that. I can do anything." Inosuke said, his tone slightly whiny.

Tanjiro yelled at Inosuke, "That demon has special powers, you shouldn't be attacking it so recklessly!"

All Inosuke did was laugh, he continued to charge at the demon. The screen was filled with the black ink again as the title showed up. It went back to the mansion. Inosuke was headed for the demon.

Everyone sighed at Inouske's actions.

" You should not be so reckless. It might cause you trouble." Oyakata said.

" Yes, you can get quite injured or have some damage." Kanae said.

" I am still confused about the title." Makomo said as Sabito nodded, wondering about the same.

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