18. Time Together

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In Shadows
Chapter Eighteen
Time Together

Winter was definitely making itself known as Gina trudged her way toward the gym, a bag of newly bought sports drinks in her hand. She pulled her jacket closer to her body as she walked underneath a tree bare from any flower or leaf. It was plain, grey bark, nothing exciting about it or pleasing to look at anymore. Only a few scattered, dried leaves on the floor showed it had foliage on it once at all.

Gina really wished she was able to drive a car - walking in the winter air, where the chilled breeze attacked her exposed skin and freezing her to the bone - from here, to the shops and back... it wasn't exactly the nicest journey she'd ever made. She had almost cheered once she spotted the gym, where she'd be taking shelter from the cold for a long time.

Planting each foot carefully on each step, Gina made her way up to the doors of the gym, her pace quickening once she'd passed the disastrous stairs. Her ankle had healed nicely since the incident that occurred only last week, and it wasn't exactly an experience she wanted to endure again. The fuss that came along with it was unnecessary, too. Gina had groaned aloud when the others had put up protests when Riko had asked her to buy drinks for the end of the training session. She appreciated their concern, but she could walk perfectly fine on her ankle now, almost as though she hadn't injured it in the first place.

It had taken a bit of convincing and bright smile on her part to convince them that she'd be fine, and that her ankle hadn't been bothering her since the incident. Now she strode confidently back into the gym, plastic shopping bags in her hands and her gaze daring anyone to look shocked she'd made it back in one piece.

"I'm back!" she called. She was met with no reply; everyone was panting and wiping sweat from their brows. Kuroko looked as though he might pass out any moment.

Right. Sports drinks are needed. Now.

Riko's dad announced they could all take a break, and Gina went around offering everyone a drink, her earlier irritation forgotten. They took each one gratefully. Kuroko was the furthest away from her, so unfortunately he was the last to receive a drink.

"Here you go. Drink up, it looks like you need it." Gina just about forced the drink into Kuroko's hands.

He took it and smiled at her. "Thank you."

Gina shivered, though it had nothing to do with the cold. Ever since that night they'd watched the movie together, Gina couldn't help but feel like they'd grown just that little bit closer. She noticed everything about Kuroko now, and whenever they were together it was like an electric shock passed through her body. All it took was for Gina to think of Kuroko and she'd smile or blush.

Gina didn't know if Kuroko felt the same way about her. She desperately hoped so. She'd hate to be the only one feeling this way, and to be the only one who felt their bond increase. She'd hate to be the only one whose heart broke a little whenever their conversations came to an end and they had to part ways for the day. She'd hate to be the only one whose heart soared whenever she first caught sight of her blue-haired friend.

Everyone else in the team stood around, gulping down their drinks and recovering their breath. After a quick, silent agreement, Gina and Kuroko wandered over and sat on the steps to the gym where there was a little more privacy.

Sitting on the steps exposed them to the cold outside, along with the nippy winter air. Gina shivered and moved a little closer to Kuroko for warmth.

"How's your ankle?" Kuroko asked suddenly.

Gina flexed it subconsciously. "Better. Riko's advised me to give it another day before I start running or doing anything like that again, just to be on the safe side, and even then she's only told me to lightly jog." She laughed. "Not like that's a problem for me, since I dropped the track team. I'll just have to be a little more careful of stairs from now on."

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