2. An Old Face

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In Shadows

Chapter Two

An Old Face

Gina didn't know what to do.

She though she'd be able to handle this. She'd done it in Australia; transferring to a new school, adapting to the language and the way the school ran. She'd done it once, she was sure she'd be able to do it again without much fuss.

So, Gina had left her home on her own, her bag swung over her shoulder. She'd waved to her mother, her father having left early for work, and headed down to her new middle school, Teiko Middle, on her own.

Along the way, Gina had been a little nervous, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. It was natural to have a few butterflies in your stomach

It wasn't anything she couldn't handle. Gina had felt reasonably confident - well, as confident as her rather reserved self could be - as she rounded the turns that led her closer and closer to Teiko.

That was until she had seen the school.

The school was huge, and a few stories high. Gina had halted in her tracks as she approached it. Her eyes bulged. Her school in Australia had been nothing like this. In her old school, it had been reasonably small, and all the buildings were single storey. There were a few courts and an oval, and a room reserved for music and drama, but that was about all that had comprised her school.

Of course Teiko was massive in comparison. Gina supposed the largest building in the middle was the main school classrooms, and the other buildings were numerous gyms. Everything looked crisp and professional - a far cry from the warm brick structures used for the classrooms of her old school, and the outdoor courts.

Forget the people she didn't even know, the school itself was intimidating.

As Gina stood, frozen speechless, she overheard snippets of conversation as people passed, completely at ease with each other. She felt herself feel a little lost, and panicked. She tried to distract herself from the large school before her and focus on the conversation of the numerous people to pass her. She barely managed to grasp what their conversations were about.

That just proved how much more accustomed she still was to the English language. She might have spoken Japanese on occasion at her house in Australia, but that had been discouraged since at that time, English was their mostly used language. There had been a greater need for them to practice speaking English in comparison to her family's background language.

But now, Gina wished dearly that they had spoken Japanese more often, so she wouldn't feel as out of place as she did now.

Come on, Gina, get yourself together. You can't panic like this, she scolded herself.

Her resolve set, Gina breathed in deeply, repositioned her glasses a little further up her nose, then made her way inside the gates.

Her head down, Gina quickly made her way through the grounds as quickly as possible. She heard the second and third years calling out to new first year students, encouraging them to join their clubs. Gina veered away from that crowd, not bothering to look up as she turned.

However, that had been a mistake, as she felt herself collide with someone.

A soft, feminine voice gasped, followed by the sound of several heavy objects meeting the ground. Gina turned around and cried out to find she had bumped into a girl with pink hair, who had just dropped all the books that seconds ago had been in her hands.

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