28. Believe in You

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In Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Believe in You

There were screams and cheers from everyone, as the team pounced on Kuroko, their yells and cries mixed together as they congratulated him on stopping Murasakibara and ensuring the team's victory. Within seconds Gina was among them, pushing through the crowd of players and found Kuroko, proceeding to throw her arms around him. "Semifinals!" she crowed. "You did it, Kuroko!"

Kuroko laughed. He was smiling, a brighter smile than Gina had ever seen him wear before. Gina grinned and quickly pressed her lips to his before the umpire called for the players to line up on court, and she retreated back to the bench.

The formal proceedings finished, and the participating players spoke their own congratulations to each other. Gina thought she heard Murasakibara claim that he'd quit basketball, but rolled her eyes. She knew that he'd really never do such a thing.

But what struck her most was Himuro and Kagami, face to face, and agreeing that they would no longer call each other brothers. The sight dampened her bright spirits and she cursed under her breath. Boys are idiots, she thought, beginning to understand where Momoi had been coming from.

"Good work, guys," Riko called when the team returned to the bench and gathered their things. "We can celebrate later. The next teams are waiting."

"Whoever wins that game will be our opponent tomorrow," Hyuga called. "Let's head upstairs. The semifinals are next!"

And after that, the finals. Gina grinned. One game at a time, they were getting closer to the final match - and becoming the best in Japan.

As they walked off court, they passed the next team, dressed in white and blue. The tall, blond figure of Kise Ryouta walked past them as he joined his team on court.

"I'll be waiting for you at the semifinals," Kuroko said.

Kise grinned. "'Course!"

Of course we'll see him. He won't lose to anyone. Gina grinned and followed the team.

Before they reached the lockers, Riko was asked aside for a quick question. After giving them orders to head to the lockers and wait for them, Riko joined the person who had pulled her aside. Gina noted the band on the side of their arm; press.

"I wonder what they want Riko for?" she mused.

Kagami shrugged. "Beats me."

When Riko returned, they'd been making all sorts of speculations.W hat she informed them that they'd be doing something not one of them had considered: an interview.

"An interview?" Hyuga repeated.

"Yeah, Basketball Monthly," Riko confirmed. Gina's eyes widened. Basketall Monthly? They only made reports on the strongest schools. "Meaning they have an eye on us too."

The magnitude of the event hit everyone; there were murmurs and widened eyes throughout the room.

"I wonder what they'll ask?" Kagami wondered.

Riko shrugged. "How the game felt... Ambitions from here... Stuff like that?"

Pretty standard questions. Gina licked her lips. She wondered that, as the team's manager, she'd be expected to answer questions too, or if she'd be looked over as not important enough.

"Seriously" Hyuga muttered. He'd turned a little paler. "I'm getting nervous."

Even if he wanted to get away, he won't be able to as the captain.

"You're no good at that stuff," Izuki commented dryly.

"Don't brace for it," Kiyoshi said. "Just act natural."

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