9. Small Thoughts

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In Shadows

Chapter Nine

Small Thoughts

"So you've found out who else will be competing in the league found with you?"

It was the day after the Josei match. Gina leaned against Kuroko's desk, looking between both him and Kagami. Class was about to start any moment, but she wanted to catch up with them first.

"Yes. The four teams in the league are Shutoku, Shenshikan, and Kirisaki Dai Ichi."

Gina frowned. Shutoku she knew, yes: Midorima had gone there. But she hadn't heard of the other two schools. "I haven't heard of those other two. Have you?"

"Shenshikan is one of the three Kings of the West in the Tokyo district, along with Shutoku and Seiho," Kuroko explained. "They're a good team, we've lost to them twice. We haven't heard of Kirisaki Dai Ichi before."

Gina frowned. "You'd think if they were a King, then Seiho would be competing," she mused.

"We beat them in the semi-finals of the preliminaries," Kuroko said. "Only the top eight schools from the Inter-High got to compete for a chance for the Winter Cup, so they were excluded."

"I see." Gina nodded slowly. "I'll try and get down to support you today, but I've got training. And I don't think I can skip today. I'm sure Aoi is sore with me for missing yesterday."

"Don't worry, Gina," Kuroko said. "Your club is more important than coming to cheer us on."

"You sure?"

"We're sure," Kagami said. "You'll show them." Kuroko nodded in agreement.

Gina flushed. "Thanks, you guys." She looked back at the door as it opened, and squeaked when she saw their teacher walk into the room. "Ah! Sensei's here!"

Sure enough, their maths teacher walked into the room. He narrowed his eyes at Gina who flushed and, with a muffled squeak, made a dash for her seat. She caught a look from Saki as she passed; her friend just rolled her eyes and proceeded to slump forward over her desk.

Right. It was now maths, Saki's least favourite subject. Gina chuckled to herself and risked a quick glance at her friend. Saki looked as though she was had already zoned out of the lesson.

The rest of the day was alright. Once maths passed, they only had the subjects that Gina liked. Things were going rather well for her.

Until it came to club activities.

Gina wished Kuroko and Kagami good luck before she made her way to the track team. She glanced at them over her shoulder, a wistful expression on her face. She wished she was going with them, rather than headed for the track team. She felt as though she didn't belong there.

After she entered the changing rooms and changed, Gina walked outside to start training. The sun was out that day, and surprisingly warm for winter.

As per usual, Gina found herself lagging behind the others. It was more than frustrating. She'd regained some of the muscle she'd lost after two years of absence from sports, but she still was as thin as a twig in comparison to the others. They were taller and fitter than her, as well.

By the end of the day, Gina had had enough. She changed as quickly as she could before she stalked out the change rooms, just wanting to get away.

"Gina. Can I have a word?" a voice called as she exited the change rooms.

Gina turned, and felt sick in her stomach as she recognised the voice. There would only be one reason this person would come and talk to her. Turning fully around, she spotted the blonde head of her senior standing near the door. "Aoi-senpai," she muttered.

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