31. Past Relived

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note: this contains some small spoilers for the end of looking for a miracle about akane and akashi. if you don't want to be spoiled, then skip the teiko flashback part to this chapter - it's not very long anyway 

In Shadows
Chapter Thirty-One
Past Relived

Of course Kagami would lose his ring just as they were about to leave. 

Gina sighed and raked a hand through her hair as she followed Kuroko through the stadium. They'd come back from their match against Kaijou; Gina had run on to the court to congratulate Kuroko and they exchanged a few words with Kise. Gina had watched the blond leave, her stomach twisting. They might have beaten Kaijou, but in the end they hadn't been able to stop Kise. Next year would only get harder once Kise recovered from his injury and became an even more formidable opponent.

They'd celebrated their victory after; Kuroko had been particularly happy when he noted that he'd never made the deciding shot of the game until that day, let alone a buzzer beater. His joy had been infectious, spreading even to Hyuga, and Riko had to hit and yell sense back into everything.

But then Kagami realised he'd lost his ring, the one he shared with Himuro, and had run off to look got it without talking to anyone else about it first. Everyone knew they wouldn't be able to leave until they found him, so they'd gone to find him. Gina had followed Kuroko as they headed back to the court.

Kagami was there, but he wasn't alone. Gina's eyes widened when she spotted Midorima beside him. She glanced across at Kuroko, and the two of them lingered in the entrance to the court and instead watched the two in front of them.

"Looks like you won against Kise," Midorima was saying.

Kagami rubbed his head. "Oh, yeah." He frowned, catching a look cross Midorima's face. "What?"

"To think you'd make it to Akashi... my compliments in fact."

Kagami's eyebrows narrowed. "Why do you sound so patronising? Or rather, why are you hanging around?"

"No reason... I was just in a very pensive mood in fact."

"What's with that? Your match for third is tomorrow, right?"

"Doesn't matter. A bit against my will, I can already see the result." Gina bit her lip. Kise had to be assisted off the court by his teammates... his injury had finally gotten to him. There was no way the blond would be able to play tomorrow, which meant that Shuutoku would undoubtedly win. "In fact, I'll watch your game before I leave."

"Gonna cheer for Akashi?" One of Kagami's eyebrows lifted.

"Like I would, idiot," Midorima scoffed. "I have no intention to, nor does he need cheering on." Midorima paused, his lips pressing into a thin line. "Akashi is a strong one."

"I know that. But you never know until you try."

"Hey, what are you doing out here?"

Gina turned, and found herself face-to-face with a black-haired male dressed in Shuutoku's blinding orange uniform; Takao, Midorima's teammate.

"Takao-kun," Kuroko greeted.

Takao smiled and looked at the two figures on the court. "Huh? Is that Kagami over there with Shin-chan?" He chuckled lightly, though it wasn't whole-hearted. "Right, something like this happened in the summer too,didn't it? But today, I don't feel like laughing as I watch." He sighed and made his way toward the other two. "I'm out. Good luck tomorrow!"

Takao called out to Midorima that it was time to leave. Before the green-haired shooting guard left, he paused to look back at Kagami.

"Kagami, I will in fact tell you something... About Akashi Seijuuro. There are two of him."

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