3. Small Talks

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In Shadows

Chapter Three

Small Talks

After a small time it took to recover from the shock of Kuroko's drive, the three of them, plus the dog, decided they had better make their way back. With Kuroko's dog at their heels (Gina had learned the dog had been named Tetsuya #2, due to the unnatural similarity in the dog and Kuroko's eyes), they headed off.

Even as they walked, Gina continued to send looks of surprise Kuroko's way. She couldn't believe he was capable of performing a trick like that. She hadn't even thought a drive like that would have been possible.

She redirected her attention to Momoi, as the pink-haired girl announced that she had to leave them to head back to her house.

"You don't want us to go the rest of the way?" Kuroko asked.

Momoi smiled. "I'll be okay."

"Don't worry. I'm sure Aomine will forgive as soon as you return," GIna said reassuringly, even though she was sure Momoi was pretty much confident about talking to her childhood friend once again.

"Thanks, Gina-chan." Momoi stepped forward, and Gina found herself being pulled into a hug which she gladly and eagerly returned. "It was good seeing you again. Let's meet up at some point."

"Yeah. We definitely should. I've missed you." They stepped back and, after one last smile at each other, Momoi danced off.

"Thanks for today!" she called as she walked away.

Gina smiled. She was so glad she had been able to meet up with Momoi again. It hadn't been until she had seen her friend in person that she'd realised how she'd missed her.

"Tetsu-kun!" They looked over to see Momoi on the other side of the street, waving her arm. "Let's play basketball again someday! With everyone else!"

A light smile crossed Kuroko's face. "Okay."

They watched Momoi go. When she had disappeared, Gina glanced at the blue-haired boy beside her. "Your house is in that general direction as well?" she asked, pointing at the direction to her house.

He nodded. "Yes. Should we go home together?"


They walked off, navigating through the brightly lit streets of Tokyo. Gina looked across at Kuroko, unsure how to even start a conversation. They had only run into each other a few times in middle school and high school, so they weren't exactly close. Ins was unsure what his interests were apart from basketball. She didn't think Kuroko would know much about her, either.

So where did they begin?

Unable to bear the awkward silence any longer, Gina rubbed the back of her neck and cleared her throat. "So, Kuroko-kun... how are you?" It was an easy, general question to start with. No problems with that.

"I'm well, thank you. And you?"

"I guess I'm good as well."

Another pause. Gina wrung her hands. Why was she so awkward with conversations? She wished Momoi was back with them. Momoi could start and continue conversations so easily, that Gina was a little envious of her ability. Saki was like that, as well.

"So... you've joined the basketball club, huh?" Gina murmured, hoping they could start a conversation a little longer than their last.

If you counted a few lines inquiring about the other's well-being a conversation, that was.

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