34. Birthday Plans

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In Shadows
Chapter Thirty-Four
Birthday Plans

Convincing Kagami to come shopping with them was one of the hardest tasks Gina and Kuroko had ever undertaken, probably just as difficult as defeating Rakuzan.

"We can eat somewhere afterwards," Gina had said, ready to tear her hair out. "Come on, just a day out, with the three of us!"

So they managed to convince Kagami to come with them, though after a while dragging him around the shops became a chore. Gina and Kuroko loved disappearing into every bookstore they could find, and Kagami would grumble and look for the magazines. When Gina pulled them into a few clothes shops, Kagami had waited outside, unless there were sports clothes inside that he could look at. Gina and Kuroko discovered that to keep their friend happy, they had to enter every sports store they came across, as well as a few video games.

When they finished shopping they got lunch - there was no Maji Burger, but there was a nice cafe that they sat at. Kagami terrified the waitress with his order, then admitted later it still probably wouldn't be enough.

Is there no filling him? Gina shook her head, her own single slice of vanilla cake looking miniscule against Kagami's portions. 

Gina occasionally looked outside the window, staring at passing shoppers, taking in the hum of activity outside. She was quite content to watch everyone go until two shoppers caught her eye, one with brunette hair and the other with long pink hair. She squinted, though she had a pretty good idea who they were. "Hey, is that Satsuki and Akane?

Kuroko quickly checked. "It is."

Gina stood up, ready to wave and catch their attention, but Akane was the one to spot them first. She waved frantically. "Kuroko, Gina!" she called.

Momoi looked in their direction as well. "And Kagamin!" she called. The two hurried over to their table of three.

"What are you all doing here?" Akane asked, once she stood beside them. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the numerous shopping bags left on the floor.

"I convinced them to come shopping with me," Gina said. She giggled. "Kagami wasn't willing."

"I'm not like you!" he protested. "I can't look at clothes and books for long amounts of time."

"To satisfy Kagami-kun we had to go to every sport and video game shop we found," Kuroko informed the two girls.

Akane snorted, and Momoi smiled wryly. "That sounds like you, Kagamin." Gina wondered if the wry smile came from Momoi's own experiences; she could imagine her friend dragging Aomine out shopping, who probably would've been as impressed with it as Kagami.

"Might as well take a seat," Gina said, feeling like they were in for a decent conversation. "I'm sure it's uncomfortable standing."

They did. A waitress came bustling over, asking if there was anything they'd like to drink. Akane settled on green tea, while Momoi ordered a smoothie.

Once the waitress disappeared Akane turned to Kagami, a bright smile on her face. "I don't believe we've been introduced." She held out her hand. "Hirai Akane, but please, ignore the last name. Just Akane is fine."

Kagami took her hand. "Kagami Taiga. It's a pleasure, Akane."

"So what are you two doing here?" Gina asked, when they finished greeting each other. The waitress came back and handed Momoi and Akane's drinks out. Steam still wafted up from Akane's cup; she blew on it to cool it down.

"I'm trying to make up for lost time with everyone from Teiko," Akane said presently. She took a cautionary test of her tea and winced, blowing on it a little more. "Satsuki was the first I called. I'm trying to organise something with the others, even if I just pop down for half an hour to say hello."

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