20. Day Out

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In Shadows
Chapter Twenty
Day Out

Gina had been a little nervous about her upcoming shopping day with Momoi. It was ridiculous, she knew, but she still worried that Momoi would be able to tell that she liked Kuroko. They knew each other well.

But when Momoi appeared at the shops all smiles and called out her usual cheery greeting and reached out for a hug, Gina relaxed. There was nothing to be worried about. There was no reason to think of Kuroko or anything along those lines; today, she was just going to focus on having a good time with Momoi.

"Where to first?" Momoi asked as they strolled through the streets.

Gina pursed her lips and gave this a brief thought. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm in need of some new clothes, especially with the concert coming up!"

At this, Momoi's expression brightened. Her eyes sparkled, a grin spreading across her face. Gina chuckled, recalling just how much her friend loved clothes shopping.

"Let's do it!" Momoi said excitedly, and pulled Gina toward the nearest clothes shop.

And from then on, it was a case of shopping until they dropped. The two of them went from store to store, browsing through clothes, trying them on and showing them to each other. Gina laughed as the day became nothing more than an endless routine of shops and nice dresses. It had been so long since she and Momoi had last had a shopping day together, and she'd forgotten just how much fun it was. Even if their budgets didn't allow it, the fun of trying on new clothes, showing the other and taking pictures that never faded.

Momoi had even been able to find the perfect outfit for Gina to wear to Saki's concert. It was simple but beautiful; the outfit consisted of a simple, floaty lilac dress that would be accompanied by a black cardigan, and black boots. Gina had a silver necklace at home that would accompany the outfit perfectly. It was hardly dressy, but simple and elegant, which was Gina's favourite style of outfit. She was already looking forward to wearing it. 

By the time the afternoon had rolled around, Gina was amazed to find that both she and Momoi had blown their budgets. Her purse was considerably lighter compared to the time they had started shopping. In fact, there was hardly any money left in there at all. The two of them carried numerous bags between them, each bag stuffed with clothes and, in Gina's case, a few books.

When they exited their last shop for the day, Gina was amazed to find just how tired she was. They hadn't stopped of sat down from the moment they'd arrived. Her feet ached slightly. Goodness, all she wanted to do was sit down and have a little something to eat. She hadn't eaten since that morning.

When Gina voiced this to Momoi, the pink-haired girl admitted that she too was tired. After checking their purses and confirming that they had just enough money left for a small bite of late lunch, they ambled their way over to the nearest coffee shop.

It was a nice little place they'd chosen. Gina browsed briefly through the food on offer and ended up ordering a iced coffee and a small slice of cake. She snorted to herself. Mum would never approve of having cake for lunch.

They chose to eat in the little alfresco area outside. It was a surprisingly nice day for winter and they'd didn't want to waste it. After claiming a table, they sat back and relaxed, chatting pleasantly until their orders arrived. It was a little quieter as they ate. Gina smiled and munched on her cake, which really was delicious. She gazed as people wandered past, all of them people she hadn't met before. 

Until a certain passer-by caught her attention.

Gina frowned, peering at the tall, blond-haired figure walking past. "Is that, Kise-kun?" she asked, pointing in his direction.

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